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Higher Thinking

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Everything posted by Higher Thinking

  1. I just made mine up. As a Christian, it just sort of seemed accurate. I guess you could correlate it to being "heavenly minded." You know, focusing on above. Chris, I always thought your name was CERK1985 because you were referencing circa 1985.
  2. What about silver, black, brown, chrome, white, or any other color they arbitrarily decide to wear?....just sayin.... Didn't mean to try to rain on your excitement and hijack your thread. Ok, I guess I did.
  3. And I almost liked you...
  4. Great product man, everything looks awesome! Glad to see the zoas are taking off in your system. (See? I do care)
  5. I'm just shocked you actually paused to take a photo. I would've been freaking out too much. Great job on the floor drain. That might just motivate me to install one on the new 180 getting set up.
  6. I use the older Aquatek regulator for a planted freshwater, but I swapped out the needle valve and solenoid for better ones. I definitely think the unit is worth buying even if you don't upgrade the components. Just read up on End of Tank Dump from using single stage regulators. Depending on the size of reactor you are using, this may not be a huge issue.
  7. Yeah, that dude was so amazing with his work. Like anyone else, I've always been a fan since first being exposed to his work and ideas.
  8. When I open the windows at night, my pH will stay at 7.9-8.0. On nights that I don't open a window, the pH will drop to 7.75-7.8.
  9. I don't have an orange monti cap, I have the super rare Oregon State monti, born and raised in Corvallis. It just happens to look exactly like the regular orange monti. Will that get me in? [emoji12]
  10. LEDs have a much more direct lighting. Just because the room may light up because of ambient light, it won't blind you. I suppose different lenses will disperse the light differently, but overall light spillage is minimal with LEDs. I don't mind sitting beneath mine.
  11. From my understanding, Wellsophylia was just an incorrect name for Trachyophylia. They thought they were two different species, but they are the same thing. http://www.tfhmagazine.com/details/articles/trachyphyllia-geoffroyi-and-the-exwellsophyllia-radiata.htm
  12. I've been told there is some kind of tower thingy over there.
  13. Higher Thinking

    Acro keeper

    I'm going to bow out. Thanks for the opportunity though. Good luck everyone!
  14. Hey Robert! Here's what we've been talking about for so long. Looks like someone has finally taken the initiative to get it going.
  15. You can set how long the buttons can override the schedule, but I don't think you can adjust how long the app cab override it. I haven't ever timed it, but it's probably 45-60 minutes. Why would you want to override for much longer than half hour? Just set acclimation for new corals if you're trying to reduce the lighting.
  16. I've also had much more success not using Wi-Fi. Occasionally the signal can drop from your router and that really ticks off the Reef link and it doesn't always reset itself and cab take a few minutes to do it manually.
  17. Exiting the app is how you're supposed to make the lights go back to the schedule. So it's doing what's it's supposed to. Don't exit by hitting the back button. Just hit the home screen button. I use android HTC so Idk what device you have, but the idea is not ""Exiting" or using the back button. Instead use whatever button sends your device to the home screen.
  18. Different manufacturers have different rules, but I seem to recall some companies requiring that one was used for any warranty issues (like a busted seam). I think the mats help level the tank a bit, I'm not sure.
  19. Do you live by the airport? I'm in Salem but work over by the airport. I could buy them from Garrett and meet you. Then just pay me back.
  20. I think there is a particular Reef Junkie who hoards Oregon Blue like it's the last coral on Earth.
  21. I think TPA usually carries this.
  22. Depending on how restricted your ball/gate valve is, he may still be in the tubing, stuck at the valve. Although that would likely cause your system to back fill and use the emergency drain, so who knows? I'd open it up all the way to at least know for sure.
  23. I work in that area and usually have a couple hours to kill in the mornings. Let me know if you want me to do a water change or something. It ain't a thing.
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