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Everything posted by Jack-the-reefer

  1. So it turns out my chiller doesn't chill. Does anyone know how to work on them. This is all going back into the garage is I can't figure it out. I can't afford a new chiller right now.
  2. You'd be fine without one as long as you keep up the water changes. Even 5 gallons once a week would be plenty.
  3. Still not perfect, but this is a huge improvement. It's just an oversized cap over the drain tube. There are spacers inside so water can still flow up and under the cap.
  4. Has anyone tried in of those Maggie muffler things?
  5. I've run into a problem. Hopefully someone smarter than me can help me figure it out. Everything runs great, the only problem is that it's really loud. The drain is just a straight shot down to the sump. I made a u shape at the bottom of the drain, but it's still way too loud. Any ideas?
  6. You can't see much from the picture. But the return tube is hidden inside the overflow. I'm using the cooler as a sump because it has to be something that won't get condensation from the cold water. The chiller isn't hooked up yet.
  7. Yes. I have a chiller. I'll keep the temp at 57.
  8. Thanks everybody! It's been forever in the making. We bought a house as I was gathering pieces for this, so it got put in the garage for a while. It's going to be an Oregon coast tide pool tank. I'll go out and collect everything for it myself. I'm going to keep it pretty simple though. Mainly different anemones, and some interesting crustaceans if I find any.
  9. The tide pool is finally wet! I had to do some last minute tinkering with the overflow yesterday to get the water level right. But I think it's actually going to work!
  10. Also, the current orbit marine led us a perfect light for the tanks. They're cheap, totally programmable, and with the depth of these tanks, you can grow anything you want. I only run mine at 50% on the white channel.
  11. I have the 12g version. It's my favorite tank I've ever had. The footprint is awesome. They pop up on Craigslist occasionally. Search for mr aqua. That's the company that used to make them.
  12. I'll take the radial. I'll text you.
  13. I just saw these on Craigslist. Could be a good deal for somebody. https://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/for/6014263638.html
  14. I think I remember someone in here keeping sympodium eating nudis a while back. I think it's a cool idea.
  15. I'm looking for a frag of red/orange/forest fire digi. Basically anything but blue. I'm in downtown Vancouver, so close to me is preferred.
  16. I have a blue tuxedo urchin that needs a new home. It cleaned up my 12g faster than I thought, and I don't think I grow enough algae to keep it happy long term. I'd like to get 10$, but I'll happily trade for a small piece of red/orange digi. I'm in downtown Vancouver.
  17. Stu was kind enough to give me a chiller that he wasn't using. So that will take care of the temperature. I'll mostly be keeping different colored anemones. Maybe one or two small fish. I'm more interested in the inverts though.
  18. I've always loved the tide pools at the coast. So I decided to build one at home. The setup is just a ceramic planter that I drilled, painted, and sealed the inside. Since it's only viewable from the top down, I wanted to avoid surface agitation. So I put the return line inside the drain and kept it close to the bottom. All I need to do is figure out what I'm using as a sump and it'll be ready to go. I can't wait to be able to go out and collect!
  19. I can do that. It's happy where it is. I'll pm you.
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