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Everything posted by Micah

  1. Very weird. You should remove both forums and re-add to your tapatalk account; but it sounds like you did this. Yes?
  2. Oh great, something else to haunt my dreams forever.
  3. ANYWAYS.... Yes Heather, bristletooth tangs all look very similar. Kole, Tomini, Squaretail, etc. They are all voracious algae eaters.
  4. Those schools are pretty rad, but I think if you look at 99.999% of reef tanks, you'll find fish that would never interact in nature.. Same with corals..... and inverts...... and.....
  5. I would say either call the manufacturer, or... take some measurements and hit up mcmaster. http://www.mcmaster.com/
  6. How cheap on the skimmer? HOB?
  7. Honestly? Probably in that range - I don't really know though. Best to ask Jeff.
  8. You know, I may be interested in the head unit by itself......
  9. I don't think you'll find a lot of tang police here (that's a good thing). I say if you get a small enough tang (something silver-dollar sized or smaller) you'll have plenty of time to enjoy it before you have to re-home it. Just go into it knowing that eventually you will have to. Sailfins tend to grow wicked fast. Everybody told me this, but I got one anyways... it grows twice the speed of my yellow tang. Regal Blue Tangs also grow really fast. My yellow tang seems to be growing nice and slow, but that could just be because the sailfin is bogarting the food. I know Cuttle Fish and Corals had a really kick-butt Chevron Tang a couple days ago a little smaller than a silver-dollar. If I I could only have ONE tang, knowing what I do now, that would be the one I get. A small Kole tang would also be a friendly addition and is a good algae eater, sometimes even bryopsis.
  10. I'll believe it when I see a formal product release. Until then, it's bigfoot. Take a blurry photo of it.
  11. Yeah, whew! That's about the best case scenario when finding creep like that.
  12. I've been waiting patiently for this thing to surface, but I'm starting to think this thing will never happen. Like duke nukem forever.
  13. Technically, I think you have to have a certain amount of members/activity in order to be officially featured with feed support, however - even though it says "Feed not supported", it's always shown in my feed on my iPhone. I will say, however, that this is not a configurable option in either the client or on the server. It's only something that tapatalk servers decide/control.
  14. long..... LONG.... ago....
  15. It's so much work......thinking about you moving that tank.
  16. You mean that private email between people outside of this club? That's really none of anybody's business. I degraded people that I feel required degrading..... in my private email. Mind if I check YOUR email or text messages? How much degrading information might I find in there? I feel the need to bring up glass houses once again.
  17. A lot of what's been going around is speculation and hear-say. I definitely suggest that everybody takes a couple steps back and views this situation from the perspective they need to.. Also, I recommend that EVERYBODY reads and understands not only the By-Laws, but the constitution as well.
  18. Oh!! I thought you meant a different position that wasn't doing their job and/or doing harm to the club/community.... Also, how do you know the board members weren't being kept in the know (by the admins at the time)? Hear-say?
  19. You're absolutely correct. also, I was referring to the failure to perform duties. I'm glad we agree on this.
  20. If it was, it should have happened long before the site crash, my friend.
  21. I have posted the ByLaws and Constitution back on the home page. They were also located on waybackmachine.org That really needs to be my first stop when looking for items like this - that site rules. ...and yes. THANK YOU JAY!!
  22. Maintenance completed. I think you'll find the site is a little more complete now. Looking much like it did pre hack. I even found some old club documents.
  23. Had a bit of an outage already on the providers side... But, completely out of our control. I think we're in the clear for that.. but I will be starting my other maintenance at 11 as planned.
  24. Just a heads up, the site will be down again tonight between 11pm and 1am. We'll be moving back to a nice clean server that we can call home. This server is patched to current security standards and will continue to be backed up daily to remote locations. If you have questions or comments about this maintenance, please send me a PM. --Micah
  25. Yep. We'll definitely be getting that back. Hopefully when you wake up tomorrow, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Or, it could go horribly wrong and be back to where we are today - style wise. Either way, I'm working diligently on that aspect. I just re-created our server from scratch - literally. New server, re-installed operating system, new forum software. I'll be doing a couple tests this evening to verify the data imports properly, then blowing it all out and doing a cutover at 11pm again with a fresh to the second dataset. As long as the site looks decent during the tests, I'll do the cut over. If it needs work, I'll probably work with some graphics folks and have it prettied up a little before releasing it into the wild.
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