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Everything posted by Bigjohnwoody

  1. Thanks. Lol. My camera skills are horrible so it looks more purple than it really is. It is more blue I would say but a definite purple blue color.
  2. So I ended up buying another Clam. I know I said I was gonna wait but I did a lot of research and talked with three different people at ORA about maxima clams. I decided after research and talking with ORA that I would try my hand at it again. This time with a clam that was not delayed a day in asnow storm. So I ordered another clam from liveaquaria with my gift card money I got for Christmas. A couple things I thought I would share that ORA told me are that clams over 1.5 inches do not require supplemental feeding to survive they can live by light alone. It is encouraged to feed to help them grow faster but not essential in survival. Also all a clam requires is a cycled tank. They do not need a well established system just a tank that is not going through a cycle. This is a basic rundown of what I heard and read. So most of all I was just excited to show some pics. I have had the clam since Tuesday and these are pictures from about 10 minutes ago.
  3. I hate giving advice as I am so new but... when was the last time your filters in your RO system were changed? Just a thought
  4. Yah thanks again so much Josh! I really appreciate it, I hope to see you Saturday. Also big thanks to Garrett for holding onto the frag for me until next Saturday till I can get up there to pick it up.
  5. You guys are making me jealous that I live in Sutherlin. I have nothing here!!! Maybe I should apply for a job at the VA Hospital in Portland instead and get out of this reef tank barren waste land.(laugh)
  6. Dude you are my Hero!!!(icon) That sounds like one amazing day. I can't wait to see some pics.
  7. Thanks everyone for the kind words. I am an addict for sure. My wife is not very happy with me(wife) she gets over it quick though, bless her heart. I wish my clowns would host that hammer that is the main reason I bought it. They will not leave the side of my overflow. I wish they would atleast host a rock(laugh) but they are all over a stupid piece of plastic lol. Although now that my hammer is really opening up I am in love, love, love with it. That coral is amazing in person.
  8. Just speaking from things I have read in the past but be careful with your sand. Stirring up all your sand from your old tank and putting it in the new could cause you some problems adding your corals and fish too soon. Just something for you to think about. Hopefully someone with more experience will chime in.
  9. Power inverter and ups could both be used to plug heaters into. Glad to hear you got the generator. You are making me think I need a generator. I have a ups and vortech battery backup but I don't think my ups would run my heaters long. That's what I would be scared of as well. My heaters are on a lot.
  10. Make sure you have circulation as well! I am sure you know this. The water really needs to stay oxygenated also if you have a ups battery backup for your computer that will buy you a little time depending on the size of it. Also you could get a power invertor for your car and plug an extension cord and run some stuff off of that. Just make sure to keep your car running so you don't drain your battery
  11. I'm going to Garrett's next Saturday and will be driving back through Eugene on my way home. I would be more than happy to bring your new edition home. I might be strapped for time so I may need you to meet me by the freeway if you don't mind.
  12. Nice find! Thous are really nice. Good pics as well
  13. Thanks Kim! If all else fails maybe I can have someone ship it for me.
  14. This is what Dave told me as well. He gets all of his Picasso clowns from his ORA Picasso clowns that he purchased. You never know what you are gonna get some are just normal percula, some are grade B, grade A, and platinums. The grade A and platinums are the most rare and that is why they always cost more money you may only get a couple out of a whole clutch.
  15. I got in on the group buy with Westside for the chalice. I was wondering if anyone could pick it up for me and drop it by Garrett's? I am going there next Saturday but can't make it all the way to Portland. Thanks.
  16. Every fish in my tank has a name! Not by me but my wife and kids. I feel like they half to be named now lol
  17. Thanks fir the kind words about the tank. I got the rock from marcorocks.com. Marc is a really nice guy and the rock is amazing. I bought the Fiji rock but I think he is all sold out of it now and only has Key largo rock. I ordered some of both and like the Fiji a lot better but the key largo is still very nice. I did mostly base rock and then seeded it with live rock.
  18. How do you know if an LFS carries arsenic caught fish? Is there any signs they are arsenic caught?
  19. Wow all of these posts are how I feel about the club. I used to visit RC all day everyday and have not browsed threads there in over a month. The people that I have meet here are priceless to me and I truly feel like I am part of a club instead of an online forum. I love the fact that I can post a problem and get a response in minutes. I know Notpennysboat posted on RC yesterday about his fish and 8 hours later still did not have one response and he had three in less than 10 minutes here. I am PNWMAS's biggest fan.(rock2)
  20. Sweet thing about most credit unions is the credit union co op. You can use any ATM from any credit union that is part of the co op, and there is no fees for using the ATM.
  21. Welcome to the club!!! Like everyone else has said let's hear some stats about your system.
  22. He is definitely worth the purchase and if you are looking for something in particular just message him he goes by reefboy on pnwmas or give him a call his number is on his site. His stuff is really wysiwyg it actually looks better in person than in his pictures.
  23. So here are the pics!! Floating the whole bag when I got it Individual bags TECO Alien Eye TECO Blue Abyss Stardust PE Creamsicles Aussie Wall Hammer Sky Blue Milli Red Planet The Milli broke in shipping which gave me a excuse to do my first sps frag. We will see, this is the frag in the bottom right of the Pic Pearl Berry Teco Purple Dream Hawkins And a pic of all the frags in my tank! Don't know if this is where they will all sit forever so there not in permently. Not a great pic sorry. I guess none of them are. haha
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