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Everything posted by Bigjohnwoody

  1. So here are the pics!! Floating the whole bag when I got it Individual bags TECO Alien Eye TECO Blue Abyss Stardust PE Creamsicles Aussie Wall Hammer Sky Blue Milli Red Planet The Milli broke in shipping which gave me a excuse to do my first sps frag. We will see, this is the frag in the bottom right of the Pic Pearl Berry Teco Purple Dream Hawkins And a pic of all the frags in my tank! Don't know if this is where they will all sit forever so there not in permently. Not a great pic sorry. I guess none of them are. haha
  2. So today I got my order from Jody.(yahoo) I am so impressed with the way that he pakaged everything and the condition it came in. Everything opened up within an hour of putting it in the tank and my chalices are coloring up beautifully, along with the sps all starting to extend there polyps nicely. I can not say enough about Jody's customer service and his care in packaging and making sure everything arrived in healthy condition. Two huge thumbs up to TECO!!!!(rock2)(rock2) I know, I know (worthless) they will be posting soon. My photography skills suck though so whatever you see it is twice that in person.(laugh
  3. Ok I sent a pm to newfisher and thanks cklskypilot I will check that out as well. I am just sick of getting my arm soaked every time I spot feed with my turkey baster.
  4. I would make the trip for that but I have heard they are tough to acclimate and die occasionally. For the price of them it would be tough without a little bit of a guarantee!
  5. I want to get an acrylic tube to spot feed and curious to what size in diameter everyone has or recommends. I will be using it to spot feed my mini maxi and duncans and whatever other corals I get in the future.
  6. I want a trio of wrasses! Fairy or flashers but I would like a male and two females. I am open to ideas on what types. There are so many I become baffled at all the decisions. It would have to be a stellar deal as I am three hours away. The group buy frag of chalice was cool for the fact that Tim said he would hold it for me fish would be tricky.
  7. I live in Sutherlin and about 100 miles north of from Medford. Just ordered a bunch of stuff from TECO.(rock2) Getting around half of it tomorrow so I am pumped can't wait to see it. Jody has been awesome you are lucky you live so close to him. So yah I will be checking out the site. Thanks
  8. I do have a maxi mini but I am sure you are talking about full size carpets. Also are you saying, say 8 inch piece of PVC with an elbow on it that just comes out of the sand and the rest runs along the tank bottom? I guess in a sort of L like pattern?
  9. I have liked these for awhile and was wanting some advice. I have about 2 to 2.5 inches of sand in my tank some is higher some lower thanks to my diamond watchman goby. So I guess some basic question to get this started are is that enough sand? I can and will add rubble rock for him as well. Also how old does a tank need to be? I have heard conflicting statements. Also will it be ok with my goby? Also yes my tank is covered with netting because I know they are jumpers! Thanks
  10. So on group buys how do you get the pieces to people say three hours away? Like a person I know haha. Can I just wait and come get it from you next time I come up? Is that usually what people do? If so I'm in!!
  11. 6 inch sweeper's??? Wow that is definitely a drawback. Thanks
  12. Saw this on eBay and thought it was pretty sweet! Maybe it's common though I am still learning about the great chalice world. If it is common I want some! If not group buy? lol http://cgi.ebay.com/Live-Coral-Exotic-Volcano-Eye-Mycedium-Chalice-/260737391324?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cb528dadc#ht_3496wt_904
  13. The reason I bought this on line was I have a gift card for liveaquaria and liked this clam the most so I bought it. What do you recommend buying since I have the credit/giftcard? What coral's do you believe ship the best? Also why do you say to refrain indefinitely? Are you against owning clams in a aquarium?
  14. That is very interesting advice. Never heard of doing that thanks so much for sharing.
  15. Also the gaping mouth picture was just a better shot. My camera skills are lacking quite a bit. The mouth never looked any different from the time I opened the bag.
  16. Hey thanks fir the kind words on my setup I did put a lot of work and thought into it. I do understand the importance of waiting and will wait especially for a baby. So thank you for that. I am not disagreing with you about my tank and myself being to new to take care of a clam. However I believe even if a tank is to young to support a clam for any length of time I am doubtful that my tank could have caused it's demise in less than 12 hours. All params are in good ranges! I might not have all the other necessary organic wastes to keep it long term but organic wastes to ne would be more of a starvation issue since clams are filter feeders. If this was not the case than no one could keep a clam successfully in a young tank regardless of hobby experience imho. However it was very upsetting to me and I will try again but I will wait for at least 3 more months which would put me at the minimum 6 month mark and I will buy a clam that is also 2 inches or larger. Thanks again everyone for the advice and support.
  17. Very nice!!! Makes me a little sad since I just lost mine. (sad)
  18. Sad to say the clam is not gonna make it I'm sure it is currently covered in nassarius snails and hermits. I'm so upset although atleast I know it was not me that killed it. Bad first experience shipping with fed ex. Liveaquaria did refund my shipping charges and told me no worries keep us posted. Just feel bad for the clam it was so pretty!! I will post pics tomorrow after work when I get home of the nassarius on the clam but need to go to bed have to be up at 4:30 for work. Thanks guys for all the support and help too bad it had to end on a bad note. :(
  19. What about my Goby? Spitting sand on it? Thanks for the heads up I will watch them close!
  20. Yes I have about 25 hermits, 2 emerald crabs, and don't know if you count them but a pair of cleaner shrimp and a pair of blood shrimp
  21. Here is a better picture of the mouth. Also can i cut the ruble rock away? It seems so off balance right now and i dont want it to fall and rip. I heard you can cut them at the base of the ruble rock. Or should I just leave it alone for a day or two and then perform surgery or just leave it the way it is regardless?
  22. So those pieces of ruble rock attached are really hard to work with I feel like I am hurting it. I checked for snails and think I found 1 so I pulled it off and also I burped it but nothing cam out. Here are some pics of how its sitting as of now. If you have any ideas of how to better rearrange it let them fly. Top down shot sorry no underwater lens so its blurry Front view
  23. I know that was what I was thinking. I was hoping they sent me like a 6 inch clam instead lol
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