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Everything posted by Bigjohnwoody

  1. Hey thanks fir the kind words on my setup I did put a lot of work and thought into it. I do understand the importance of waiting and will wait especially for a baby. So thank you for that. I am not disagreing with you about my tank and myself being to new to take care of a clam. However I believe even if a tank is to young to support a clam for any length of time I am doubtful that my tank could have caused it's demise in less than 12 hours. All params are in good ranges! I might not have all the other necessary organic wastes to keep it long term but organic wastes to ne would be more of a starvation issue since clams are filter feeders. If this was not the case than no one could keep a clam successfully in a young tank regardless of hobby experience imho. However it was very upsetting to me and I will try again but I will wait for at least 3 more months which would put me at the minimum 6 month mark and I will buy a clam that is also 2 inches or larger. Thanks again everyone for the advice and support.
  2. Very nice!!! Makes me a little sad since I just lost mine. (sad)
  3. Sad to say the clam is not gonna make it I'm sure it is currently covered in nassarius snails and hermits. I'm so upset although atleast I know it was not me that killed it. Bad first experience shipping with fed ex. Liveaquaria did refund my shipping charges and told me no worries keep us posted. Just feel bad for the clam it was so pretty!! I will post pics tomorrow after work when I get home of the nassarius on the clam but need to go to bed have to be up at 4:30 for work. Thanks guys for all the support and help too bad it had to end on a bad note. :(
  4. What about my Goby? Spitting sand on it? Thanks for the heads up I will watch them close!
  5. Yes I have about 25 hermits, 2 emerald crabs, and don't know if you count them but a pair of cleaner shrimp and a pair of blood shrimp
  6. Here is a better picture of the mouth. Also can i cut the ruble rock away? It seems so off balance right now and i dont want it to fall and rip. I heard you can cut them at the base of the ruble rock. Or should I just leave it alone for a day or two and then perform surgery or just leave it the way it is regardless?
  7. So those pieces of ruble rock attached are really hard to work with I feel like I am hurting it. I checked for snails and think I found 1 so I pulled it off and also I burped it but nothing cam out. Here are some pics of how its sitting as of now. If you have any ideas of how to better rearrange it let them fly. Top down shot sorry no underwater lens so its blurry Front view
  8. I know that was what I was thinking. I was hoping they sent me like a 6 inch clam instead lol
  9. So here is some pics of the process so far since I am acclimating
  10. Ok the bag smells fine and the clam is alive. There are so many bags it was really hard to see. The white fleshy part must be the foot and it is attached to ruble rock from live aquaria. It is drip acclimating right now and is opening right up and closing halfway. It seems like it is gaping quite a lot but I am new to this so don't know much. I will continue to drip it for about 45 mins total I figure. Unless you guys think I should go longer or shorter. I will just set the clam and ruble on that small rock that I have and place it in the tank when ready. I need to make sure to check for snail hitchhikers as well.
  11. I put a hold on it and picked it up today at 10;30 which was when the truck came in. I figured it would be better that way then having to wait for it to come on the truck. The bag felt very cold and it looks like there is flappy white flesh hanging from the shell. Also there is all types of stuff floating in the water. Floating in my sump now and will begin drip acclimation in about 5 mins. Pictures to come.
  12. Very frustrated right now!!!! Just got word that my package was delayed in Memphis due to weather and it will not be here today. So now my clam will be two days in a box. Liveaquaria stated that they most likely will not refund my shipping but they will look into it depending on the circumstances tomorrow. So now I have to take time off from work tomorrow to acclimate a clam that is probably dead! They said they will refund the money on the clam itself. So basically if they do not refund my shipping money then to have another clam reshipped would be like 70 bucks total!!! Not worth it on a 80 dollar clam. So as far as my first mail order not a good experience at all!! Just makes me sick to think of it sitting there dying in a friggin box!! I know its out of my hands and no need to fret over it but I am just really mad for some reason about the whole thing.
  13. Ok I have a rock in mind that I did a little work on tell me what you think. Also I have read a lot of people feed them phyto while putting them in a small cup or something and feeding them there rather than feeding the whole tank phyto which can add to nutrient problems. So I figure I can do this as well by hoping he grabs onto this rock. He is under 2 inches so I figure I need to spot feed him from what I have read although some people still say it is unnecessary. So the jury is still out on this for sure but I have phyto coming so I am prepared. Here are the pics of the rock!!
  14. Ok thanks I have done some research on these and have an idea of now what to look for. Thanks for the advice I will definitely make sure to double and triple check I reall appreciate it.
  15. Ok great guys thanks I will get the clam a rock to cradle in and then be able to move it if need be plus it sounds like it will like the cradle. So should the rock be big enough for him to grow into or does a small say 3 inch rock work for it's lifetime? Or should I get a bigger rock like 6-8 inches or even bigger?
  16. Thanks for the setup comment I put a lot of work into it. I think the 2 mp40's are perfect you can always tone them down some and then really crank them up later when the tank is heavily stocked. Is there such thing as 2 much flow? Haha! So I do have some dry base rock that I could chisel and form perfectly for the clam would that work? Or would you place it on a seeded piece of rock?
  17. Are you talking like setting that rock on top of the other rock on the right side or just on the sand? Also front or back right side corner? Also why out of curiosity?
  18. By the way he left Rhinelander, WI at 6:23 pm CST. I can sense him getting closer!(cheer) Say a little prayer for him tonight before you all go night night! (laugh)
  19. Ok so I took a full tank shot for all of you guys to give me some suggestions on placement! I am thinking on the right hand side on that big rock about mid tank on the far right. I feel like it would be good light and also good flow but not direct from the vortech. Remember it is 24 inch deep tank and I have 2x250 mh. Also hesitant to put it on the sand cause I am scared of my Goby spitting sand on it. Also from what I have read maximas in the wild are almost always on rock. let me know what you guys think.
  20. I really like these fish. I seem to like a lot of wrasses in the halichoeres family but I am scared they will consume my pair of blood shrimp, cleaner shrimp, and pair of harlequin shrimp. Wow I have a lot of shrimp lol. I also fell in love with the mystery wrasse but had to turn away :(. Anyways beautiful fish btw Congrats!!
  21. I think that there Beauty did have a lot to do with it along with the 100 bucks burning a hole in my pocket. lol. I got a divers den update and I guess I got caught up in the moment and I sprung. I did some quick google research and the stuff that I read was saying that Maximas are one of the easier clams to take care of so I took the plunge. My tank params have been very cosistent for 2 months and everything seems to be doing very well in my tank. My corraline is spreading like crazy everywhere, my birdsnest is doing well the Duncan I got is already popping 2 new heads and my zoo's are all sprouting new polyps. Along with other stuff all doing well. I will be posting pics and asking questions throughout the process making sure I am doing everything I can to make it happy. I already ordered phyto through Garrett. I am also hoping I can talk someone into housing it for me if it takes a turn for the worse. I just hope I can get my camera skills up to par with my new camera to give you guys all accurate pictures of the clam. I have been struggling getting things to look natural. The camera is way smarter than me. Thanks everyone for your input. I hope I can keep it looking as amazing as it does at liveaquaria.
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