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Everything posted by nwcoralfarm

  1. 16 hours is too long to be running your lights. Try to stick with something closer to 12 or under. Your corals will get plenty of light to grow, your algae won't get as much, and you won't need to replace those spendy lights nearly as often.
  2. Easiest way to frag a mushroom without having to deal with it floating all over your tank is to leave it attached to the rock and cut it down the middle. It will grow into 2 mushrooms over a short period of time. I have found the major problem with fragging mushrooms rics or other is that they are hard to keep sitting still in one place long enough to attach to something. Best of luck, let me know if you need any help.
  3. I may be interested, let me know if you still have them.
  4. I am wondering the same thing, and what are the dimensions of the rock?
  5. I agree, as soon as you get the chance man lets see some pics of that bad boy.
  6. You know the messed up thing was last Christmas one of those types of deals was going around and the deal was legit. I know, crazy right. Apparently some rich dud out there wanted to help someone else out for Christmas and thought it would be funny to do it this way and see if anyone would do it. I believe the person got around 100,000, couldn't say for sure though.
  7. I loved Dennis Hopper and don't feel he ever got the recognition he deserved. Will be missed, Gary Coleman on the other hand(whistle)
  8. I am sure you all know already but Paypal will NEVER include a click here link in their emails. If you ever receive anything and aren't sure just log in to your account through the normal paypal website and if there are any problems they will let you know. I receive these things occasionally and I love to send them viruses through email:)
  9. I also have only had 1 that really had a long tentacle problem, but as mentioned before they were about 6 inches long and they of course have to go with the flow of current but they did kill EVERYTHING in their path. They do require low light though, I would recommend the bottom of the tank. They are an LPS so they are naturally more of filter feeders.
  10. It can be fun and profitable but it may be a complete bust profit wise if you are looking to sell frags of it in the future. There is also a chance that it could take up to a year to color back up or never recover. You may end up with a big lump of ugly aggression that wants to kill everything around it in your tank or it of course might be your favorite piece. Either way it really depends on what it is worth to you but from personal experience I have had it go both ways.
  11. Man I can't wait for update pics in about 2 years to see how it all grows in, great job man.
  12. The only problem is it makes all the rest of my tat's look pale in comparison.
  13. So as it turns out Clay Frasier is more then just a savage ( sorry about your rep Clay) He is also an amazing tattoo artist. You just can't tell how great til you see it in person and I now can. Thanks a ton Clay!
  14. I think it's creepy when they use little kids in horror movies as the bad guys. Especially little Japanese kids, uggghh. But I chose woman over 40, it's not creepy but but it was funny.
  15. Bumpin it, pretty sure he said it was a hex there Mick, ha ha.
  16. I would really step up and do this but we are making a trip to Eugene this week already and trying to keep the miles down on the new car. I hope this works out for you man, let me know if there is anything else I can do for you though.
  17. The problem with running an online store as well as a bricks and mortar is that you still have to beat the other online stores prices or you are just another online store with high prices. The only way around this is to cut your in store prices, because no one is going to buy in store when they figure out they can get it from you online for cheaper. Once again there will be people local and loyal to you who would love (as mentioned before) to support your business through online sales, having the ability to check if you have the items they want before driving there. However it will change nothing, IMHO, simply because there will still be the same people who need/want to save the money and buy from the cheaper seller, either online or walk in. Take for example, I am willing to bet that almost all of us have shopped at that big department store that is well known for really low prices, poor quality and giving almost nothing back to the community. I for one try to support local businesses first but can say that there have been times that I needed something cheap, fast and knew where to get and bought it from them despite the fact that I know almost all of the employees have no medical, are underpaid and that my money is being sent off to some other area and will not recirculated through the things the are important to me. I do however feel that it would be well worth it to run an online store (with prices that reflect your normal prices) and offer a discount when shopping from there. This way when I (joe blow consumer) am feeling lazy but have a few bucks burning a hole in my pocket I can still buy, and by posting a "in stock" or "preorder" tag with the items you can display the items that you would like to sell without having to have them sitting on a shelf collecting dust, and the customer doesn't feel like they have to pester you with 20 questions when they aren't sure if they are going to buy it or not. Just a thought.
  18. I have always been an advocate of acrylic over glass for a few different reason, mainly the reasons already posted. However after years and years, I am finally sick of dealing with the scratches in acrylic and more then welcome the ease of cleaning with a razor blade once again.
  19. Yeah it's a tough deal when it goes down that way but I think most customers as long as taken care of are pretty loyal. However when it comes down to buying an item in a store for 400.00 or getting it online for 250.00 while on a limited budget it's fairly understandable why the decision is made. As a customer of many reef shops in the Portland area for years I can say that I have done the same thing, not intentionally, just that you form a relationship with the clerks/owners and look to them for advice occasionally with an unspoken understanding that you buy what you can, when you can, and when they have what you are looking for at that time. I do however feel that while this does happen sometimes, the advice offered (if good advice) will leave that person with a good feeling about the store and promote good sales. I am sure that there are people that use the stores as only a means to the info they need, but I can say from experience that most people are pretty good about doing what they can. I guess it is up to the person running the store to decide if the question is worth answering and the customer is worth the time spent on the question.
  20. It can be tricky to find some of the pieces you will need to do this in regular stores like home depot etc. I am sure there are a couple of specialty stores in Portland that you can get it done at, but I wouldn't know where they are. If nothing else there are a few sellers on eBay that carry all of these as well as bulk reef supply.
  21. Thanks everyone, I ended up having to head that way anyway and got it all done.
  22. A pretty common misconception is that Hemp is weed. Hemp is completely different though similar it will not get you high, it does not produce marijuana (cannabis sativa) and it is a fact that hemp is 10 times more valuable, durable, stronger as a crop then cotton (for clothing) and wood (for pulp) It is of a much higher quality and costs far less to produce and like bamboo does not require millions of gallons of pesticides. Not trying to be confrontational but seriously, do your homework. And just because it wasn't in your text books at school doesn't mean it isn't in our history, or true for that matter.
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