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Posts posted by Gumby

  1. Frags for Christmas Party

    Jack o Lantern lepto
    True undata
    Cornbread bling bling cyphastrea
    Cali tort
    Apple berry spongodes
    Green w/red polyp spongodes
    Blue eyed bit### zoas
    Forest fire digitata
    Apple berry Monti
    Pink setosa
    Green psamacora
    Branching green star polyps
    Jason fox sunset style
    Pink boobies chalice
    Torch pink tips green tentacles 

    Torch white tips redish/greenish tentacles 

    • Like 1
  2. 19 hours ago, CrabbyCrabs said:

    That's impressive. Will it avoid snails on the glass? Is it a felt pad like on the flipper?

    I was going to say. The snail are like trying to hold on for dear life saying "Oh crap here comes that our replacement1"

    • Haha 1
  3. On 12/1/2018 at 7:35 AM, Flashy Fins said:

    Tank is coming along! Kids got their first fish yesterday, a red firefish they voted for (beating out other choices of a Banggai cardinal and pearly jawfish). The plan was to take a photo of the fish in the tank, but of course he hid under a rock as soon as we dropped him in, so you’ll just have to imagine. :fish:

    Thanks for the deal on the fish & hermits, @CuttleFishandCoral. The kids are ready for their next voted upon fish when you get an Aurora goby in stock. :)

    Because full QT isn’t feasible here, we flash medicated using Safety Stop. The process was easy, and the fish handled it like it was nothing. He disliked being caught and moved from bucket to bucket more than he cared one way or the other about the dip. This approach is much better than nothing, as the last thing we want to do is introduce any major pathogens. This is the plan going forward for all fish we add to TFT setups, unless a teacher wants to QT his/herself. 

    Kids will see their fish for the first time on Monday, so the little guy has the weekend to settle in before their faces are all against the glass checking him out. :crab:

    Thank you Cherany and Jeff for your help!

  4. On 11/21/2018 at 3:58 PM, CrabbyCrabs said:

    Pretty much no use in welding is why, 5lbs would last not very long.

    That is why I used it for a back up til i could get my 20lb filled back up. Something small that would not take up up much room. I would trade some coral for it if you wanted it.

  5. 12 hours ago, HenryLimpet said:

    Hi everyone, I thought it was a great show. Frag vendors were great. I just wish Mr. Saltwater would have talk a little more on aquariums than his vacation photos.

    For next year maybe we can get a couple food trucks to attend.

    Thanks Kelly


    Food and more seating is on the list

     Thank you for input.

  6. 10 hours ago, Manny Tavan said:

    Consider having industry reps there. Would be nice to have vendors showcase some of the new products/equipment on the market 

    We will definitely work on it. A great idea! It is like an investment. The more people that come. The more money everyone spends. The successful  it will be. The Vendors will come.

  7. Weird you would mention that I was just thinking. We had 3 first timers this year. I would love to see more this next year. I know there must be a few that wonder can I do it? It would be a good time. A business license is pretty cheap. Hopefully we can encourage a couple more next and have ones from this return next year.

    • Like 1
  8. 2018 Fragfest Survey

    I was wondering if we could get everyone’s feedback on the Fragfest? We thought overall it was a pretty good success but there is always room for improvement. Could you tell us what you liked and what you disliked about the show? Also any suggestions anyone has for us to improve and make it bigger and better for next year. We want to try to make it accommodate as many people as possible. It is investment that I hope everyone love to see it grow and succeed for many years but we cannot do it without your help. The only thing that I ask is no names mentioned. We want it to be constructive criticism. Thank You so much for your comments.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 13 hours ago, Emerald525 said:


    Special thanks to the entire current officer and board members. Because of traveling and  other commitments and simply needing to take a break I was not as involved with this years event. Thanks for stepping up and working hard and keeping the momentum going!

    It was nice to be able to step back and just enjoy the show.

    You are all the best and it’s so great to see people work so hard for a good cause. I know all the behind the scenes planning and time it takes. I know the waking up at 4am.  I hope you made lots of money for TFT and the vendors did too! These frag shows are always a blast! 

    The raffle prizes were phenomenal and the guest speaker Mr. Saltwater Tank was an excellent choice!


    @badxgillen our fearless leader and @Lexinverts the master set up and clean up people who got up at the crack of down and drove 2 hours to get there. They are always the first to be there and the last to leave!

    @Gumby for all you do for the Boys and Girls club. The new tank looks amazing ! I loved the signs your son made! He’s a talented young man!


    @albertareef for being the media support and overall just fill in where you can. Thanks for all the behind the scenes work that you do. 

    @Paratore you were working hard in the raffle section and did a great job !

    @Jeremevans for your excellent treasury skills and getting the guest speaker hotel set up as well as just your knowledge and skills with the financial aspect of these events! 

    @kknight for manning the front and being the TFT coordinator for so many years !

    @Flashy Fins for the coordination of the event. 

    @stylaster for also being there early with helping with setting it up. 


    I know there are others I have missed please post in here those who I missed . Again special thanks to all the vendors and sponsors for the donations and everyone who showed up! Support these sponsors and vendors who support us! Thanks again!  There are a lot of hours and hard work to set these events up !!




    Thank you Kim. I will pass it along to my Son.

    • Like 1
  10. image.png

    NWFragfest Vendor

    Another Great Vendor that will be at the show!
    Saltwater City
    "Saltwater City has been in Bellevue, WA since 1995. We are the complete marine aquarium source for home hobbyists. Saltwater City is your direct source for tropical corals, fish, food, and other premium aquarium products and accessories."

  11. Vendors for the Fragfest



    Seahorse Aquarium & Supply owners, Terry & Tewsley are a husband and wife

    team who a little more than three years ago began working with Tewsley's

    late father Woody in the family business, an iconic saltwater fish and reef

    store in Portland, OR since 1996.


    Initially mentored by Woody in the classic traditions and sometimes

    unconventional ways of Seahorse,  the two have put their own fingerprints on

    the business giving it a more modern feel, focus on corals, and carrying

    reefer trusted brands such as Neptune Apex, Salifert, & Red Sea.


    Tewsley has a real passion for interesting and beautiful mushroom coral and

    some of her favorite fish are the Pearly Jawfish and Midas Blenny.  Terry is

    always intrigued by a colorful piece of acropora or vibrant LPS, pretty much

    anything else they haven't had in the store before. Some of his favorite

    fish come from the large and exotic wrasse family like the Mystery, Lineatus

    & Rhomboid Wrasse.


    Just like their store they will feature a wide variety of corals at the NW

    Frag Swap from collector SPS and mushrooms to beautifully colored

    inexpensive pieces for everyone's budget. 

    Thank You

    Terry Squires

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