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Everything posted by Arsonmfg

  1. Not too sure... You could try, he sure like's eating aptasia!
  2. Time to pass my Aptasia File to his next home... He's a guaranteed eater! Travis used him to clean out some of the stock tanks at the shop and I had about 30 or so that kept popping up from Aptasia X not finishing the job. Took him two days to kill 30 plus! He also eats frozen and flake. $40
  3. Looking good man, can't wait to see it all up and running!
  4. That's always nice, I love it when people waste my time... Try posting some pictures of the system, it'll help it get sold quicker. Sounds like an excellent setup and at a great price.
  5. Welcome to the NW, Upscales in Tualatin has a few hundred pounds of high quality live rock always on hand and it's definitely not $9 per pound.
  6. I've had two Kole tangs go completely insane, both in large tanks... However one of them only tried to kill yellow fish for some reason, yellow tang, Foxface Lo, Yellow Goby... Didn't give two poops about anything else in the tank but it would spend all day attacking anything with yellow with a vengeance. I finally ended up just removing the Kole.
  7. I have to agree with everything that's already been said... I can break down my whole tank what I feed, when I feed it etc etc etc... Honestly it really means little to nothing because like most things in this hobby what works for me more than likely will not garner the same results for someone else. Everyone's tanks are different and we all have our individual husbandry styles, the things we all have in common is we stay within a range of acceptable water chemistry and we all try to keep things as stable as possible. Honestly I've seen tanks that look good with some of the most whacked out water chemistry and super dirty water ever... but one thing we all strive for is stability. I don't think that can't be stressed more. Chasing numbers will usually result in failure, everybody's tank will have a sweet spot and finding that sweet spot (the actual numbers) for one's individual tank is what you should strive for. As for my tank... I don't know all the numbers as far as water chemistry because I tweak my tank based on what I see it doing. (something you acquire when you've been doing this for like 20 some odd years lol). The only thing I test is my alk, cal and mag. I run an 8 bulb ATI powermodule for lighting, I'm fairly lazy when it comes to do any water changes and I run no GFO, 1 cup of carbon for 2-3 day every month or so the take any yellow out of the water passively in a bag. My tank is roughly 165 gallons of total water volume. I feed my fish Hakri Marine Plankton blend. My corals I feed the following twice per week. 10ml Oyster Feast 10ml Red Sea Reef Energy a&b 10ml Aquavitro Fuel I also add 12ml of Acro Power once per week, only at night. (I can explain this later if you're curious) I run filter socks I change once per week and I skim fairly heavy with a modified Reef Octopus XP-2000 with a DC pump and I have a Aquamaxx S-2 calcium reactor.
  8. You could always just put a small piece of acrylic over the old hole with a little weldon. Be very gentile drilling the hole, once acrylic has had a chance to absorb water and has some age it'll be brittle and will be really easy to crack the whole body when drilling.
  9. I did a retro fit on a 250 with a BB 3000 and it rocked, I think the 5000 would be waaaaaay too much but I haven't tried it so I can't be positive. The Askoll is nothing more than a VERY expensive modified laguna pump... and yes they're hard to find! I'd say the BB worked just as good if not better than the Askoll.
  10. You will get a better light spread from the 26 and it's got a better array of multi-color led's but it's also personal preference, after testing all the Kessil lights under a par meter I wouldn't want to keep sps under one alone.
  11. The wonderful people at ATI sent me one of their new Sirius LED fixtures and so I'm using that in my frag area instead of this setup. The 26 is a great fixture but the Sirius is definitely the better of the two, it also cost $250 more than the AI... So not really apples to apples.
  12. AI 26 Virtually brand new (used for roughly 3 weeks) in black. Comes with original box and all the paperwork. $250 or I'll package it with an AI Director (cloud based controller for PC, MAC, iPhone or android control for $300
  13. Gotcha, I was thinking that sounded cheap lol...
  14. I just can't justify giving Cornbread a penny of my money...
  15. Back up for sale, now with fresh brand new DI Resin!
  16. It would make me sooooo happy to see pac man knock out mayweather but I just don't think it's possible now. This would of been a much better fight 5 years ago...
  17. Well it's not like I couldn't find a good use for it somewhere lol... But I'm trying to get rid of all of my extras I don't need not collect more. Having will power sucks!
  18. Good, now I don't have to buy it lol
  19. Screw that, put it on a chain and wear it around your neck! Super baller status lol!
  20. LOL! Seriously??? The only guarantee you have is buying the VERY few varieties of tank "BRED" fish that are available. While there are MAC certified fish that are supposedly guaranteed not to have been caught with cyanide blah blah blah and the fish sold by sustainable aquatics there's still no guarantee. I've seen just as many MAC certified fish die as I have non-certified. If there's one thing that's been proven time and time again it's that on the collection side of the hobby some people will do most anything for a buck. ORA is mostly breeding fish, so these are tank bred fish not raised. As for tank raised fish (Sustainable Aquatics), They have had to revise exactly what their definition of sustainable is a few times because of their very loose terminology on what exactly sustainable means. In the end they import WILD COLLECTED fish taken by divers from the islands just like any other wholesaler, hold it in their system and once it eats some sort of prepared food it's considered "sustainable" and can now fetch a higher price. They are keeping some very small fish in the early stages and trying to raise them on prepared foods but they have yet to say which fish those actually are. It's not like when you order from them they have an option to order "Blue Tangs that eat prepared food that have been in our care for a minimum of 6 months" So in the end your only guarantee is that you can buy tank bred fish if you want something that's guaranteed to be cyanide free. The practice isn't used that often in the hobby as it used to be but it does still exist. Not all fish collected with cyanide die either, I however surely wouldn't be interested in buying any to find the very few that don't... In the end purchasing these tank raised fish at a premium price does offer a small advantage at times, however it's definitely not what people make it out to be.
  21. It's pending you coming over and putting cash in my hand =) If somebody shows up tomorrow with cash it's theirs.
  22. Bump! Let's do $125 on the DC pump & $100 on the Dart
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