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Everything posted by Krux

  1. Well I mean, platinum is better than gold and way better than silver, so it must be the best right? 😛
  2. Hook Weston up with some driveway repair!
  3. Fair, though that doesn’t change the visual reference for those of us who are old and set in our ways of calling it cement!
  4. It is far more splendid than any other wrasse though, worth!
  5. I can not fathom a truck that holds 100 yards of asphalt... that is like 10-12 cement trucks worth! Window, siding, roofing, and painters also use this sales tactic.
  6. right click image, select search image with google, side bar pops up, select find image source. This will show you the web sites that the image appears on. Usually scammers will go to another reef site, craigslist, etc and copy an image to send to you as proof they have it. By reverse searching the image you can find out where else it has been used. This is why for many online used sales locations people will put a piece of paper with their user name and a date to authenticate that they have the item. I request this frequently when buying valuable records. For example, consider I am the owner of this totally legit Fox Flame colony that I want to sell you for only HALF of the going rate! Not a chance I swiped it from a 4 year old R2R post.
  7. brownsmith today, but that will change daily. these accounts use DM to get around the minimum posting requirement to access posting to classified sections on boards, but that is how you attack the spam issue - just change the threshold to send a DM.
  8. A recently trending scam on other sites has started here. If someone sends you a PM about an item you have expressed interest in that has just registered and directs you to email someone else who is not a community member it is absolutely a scam. For fun if they send you photos to prove they have the items, run a reverse image search and you can find out who actually took the photo! Don't get ripped off, for more details you can read many threads about this activity on places like R2R.
  9. Still awaiting results on the 4/18 test but hoping so! I had a problem with my Trident and had to start testing on my Hanna testers for a week while I got it straightened out so there may have been some blips in my normal parameters. I don't automatically dose based on the Trident, but I do use it to maintain level numbers so I could be 5 or 10% off my usual levels. In general I follow the school of thought that consistency is better than swings to hit perfection. I did do some suggested trace element work using the Reef Moonshiners spreadsheet (specifically K) so we will see if any of those numbers moved into better lanes as I understand several elements are tied together. I really am just looking for two tests in a row with similar numbers so I can set a new baseline, then I can start trying to make adjustments to optimize parameters - biome will be the step after that.
  10. Hopefully when you get the results back everyone can benefit from your findings - specifically how lower livestock impacts the stability of the biome. Very cool idea! I will be doing one in May now that my tank has mostly stabilized but I have so many variables: fish population swings, a live sand addition, tank dieoff and regrowth, UV and Ozone. My hope is to get a baseline and find some guidance on how to steer things and then do some monthly or every other month tests to see how the numbers move.
  11. There were some great updates, but also a lot of the info from Eli's talk at Reefstock was included so great for folks who were sad they missed it!
  12. Soz, forgot the link.
  13. Keith is live streaming right now with Andy and Eli, be sure to catch the stream or watch it later. Let’s boost those views. I hear if we bribe Eli with corals and drive the samples to his lab we can move up in the queue… pro tips from watching the videos!
  14. Welcome back. Nice job on the wire management under the tank!
  15. is the top off for photos, or do you walk on the wild side with jumpers these days?
  16. That will make plenty of room for this RSR 350 in my basement that I need to move to your house and plumb in to the system...
  17. It was fun to see this pop up @PNWCustom while watching videos. 6:30 or so if anyone wants to skip to it.
  18. Welcome to the hobby and the club!
  19. Also has the side effect of your truck looking like a happy vampire! Did those come with bulkheads installed? Research shows me that isn't always the case. If this was relatively recent, do you mind messaging me with what the cost ended up being? I am looking at the Grasham place as well as used setups and want to evaluate value as much as possible.
  20. Any use for stainless steel storage containers? Once I saw the CO2 canisters it reminded me that I have several 5 gallon kegs from home brewing in my garage. They can be sterilized and used for liquid storage of some sort... Let me know if you have any interest, and look up Cornelius keg for more info. I have between 6 and 8 you are welcome to play with.
  21. I was looking at these folks on Craigslist last week as an option. I plan to take my Subraru over there and see how large of a container I can haul home. Thanks for the positive feedback, I was skeptical about the posting.
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