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Everything posted by cyenna

  1. If Sayid knew she was a spy then he would kill her despite Jack. Anyway, I'm glad we got to find out soon that she was a spy instead of speculating for an entire season. They made it seem like she wasn't a spy at first but then gave us the twist! Can't wait for next week!
  2. I got a small 1.5-2 inch acopora frag that is browning out in my tank. It's still doing okay but doesn't look nearly as good as it used to. It is supposed to have bright yellow polyps and when I bought it, it had blue tips. I guess that's what I get for bringing it from 400W to 175W. (sad) Bad call on my part. Anyway, I would like to trade for a small frag of something easier to grow like montipora.
  3. That's an interesting find. Is it soft to the touch? Does it shy away from light? Does it retract? Is there a mouth? Does it move? I'm curious now...
  4. Wow, looks like a great recovery. Earlier, it sounded like nothing would make it but now it appears most of your corals survived!.....? congrats.
  5. I would guess strawberry anemone (corynactis) or some sort of pseudocorynactis sp. http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/oct2002/invert.htm
  6. Was it Paulo? That would make more sense than Pablo... As for this episode, Hurley is awesome. Juliette is a spy.
  7. (laugh) The internet is a breeding ground for a new language that is read differently (than, say, a piece of literature), is interpreted variably, and isn't even spoken. However, like any language, people should be able to use it to communicate. A period, a comma, even an exclamation point can make online communication much smoother. For example, shouting at a Frenchman in English in France isn't going to get you to the bathroom any quicker. Making the effort to learn a little of the language and a bit of the culture will probably get you were you want faster. On the other hand, I think I view language/English differently than a lot of people around me because it was not my first language. I don't mean to step on any toes! (hitme)
  8. cyenna


    uh oh :( .............
  9. cyenna


    Is this a berghia? or are they only a cream color?
  10. I knew they were going to die. Unless... they wake up and dig themselves out of their graves and then become zombies.... Anyway. They had to die, that's why they were introduced in the first place but I wonder why if PABLO (clever play on words: pablo lies, paralyzed!!) knew about the bunker and the airplane, why didn't he tell anybody about it?! I wonder if all the monster talk was a preview for next week... For me to be appeased I think I need the Libby story to end. She gave the boat to Desmond. She was in the hospital with Hurley... whawhawhat!
  11. cyenna


    I'm just waiting for everything to grow out! (sorry for the blurriness)
  12. they look exactly the same to me. maybe the first one was taken with a flash.... hmmmmm that's why the whole naming thing is silly but it definitely helps out the market.
  13. It can calm you but make sure it doesn't distract the students from listening to you. I remember my old chem teacher would wear funny t-shirts and I would spend the whole time staring at it. My favorite T-shirt was one where Curious George died. hehe(laugh)
  14. The Swayer we know is actually named James. His mother was conned by a con man much like Locke's dad and the only reason why James took up the name Swayer was because that's what he thought the con man's name was. right? not to do with last nights episode but its' weird that Claire and Jack are related
  15. CRAAAAAAAZY. so did John wish that his dad was there or did Ben wish it for him? that's a crazy story. i'm glad we finally found out how John became paralyzed. I thought it would have something to do with that girl he met at the therapy session. Whatever happened to her anyway? Anyway, this story was much better than expected. I wonder if John's dad is Swayer?!?!!??!!?
  16. i joined facebook thinking it wouldn't be as "open" as myspace but it's quickly getting to be the same. :(
  17. Agreed! All we need now is a new strain of influenza! (laugh)
  18. Just want to point out that many things contribute/enhance/whatever to global warming. Carbon dioxide emissions is not a sole source. If there were just one source to global warming then this "problem" would be much easier to understand.
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