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Censoring Vendor Feedback


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Why does Reef2Reef.com censor critical feedback about vendors?
A forum member posted very appropriate critical feedback about a vendor. In the same thread, two more members expressed similar concerns. All discussion was professional and appropriate. The forum moderator then posted a message stating the thread was in the incorrect forum and must be moved. They also said only posts between the customer and vendor are allowed. The moderator moved the thread and deleted the additional comments from other members. Why is it that members can post positive comments all day long, but when members begin a critical discussion about a vendor, the thread gets moved and postings deleted? Be careful when relying on discussion groups in order to make informed decisions about vendors. Does this forum do the same thing?  I can understand freezing, or removing, inappropriate content, but simply removing content because it's critical is wrong.
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I understand where you are coming from.  We actually do this as well not as any way to protect a vendor but simply because the threads end up spiraling out of control with people chiming in both ways who had nothing to do with the transaction. In our forum it was primarily individual members not vendors. 

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Removing negative feedback is seriously  BS in my mind.  Yeah, things can get ugly but it is important to know how vendors react to negative critisicm.  I am not into overtly flaming someone because, like the bumper sticker says..[language filter] happens.  But there have been several cases where i posted interest in something that someone here was posting and my cell was blowing up saying " dont trust that dude". I appreciate those members looking out for me but maybe instead of just banning him he should have been shamed.


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There is always a different between bully comment and actual personal experience of negative/positive feedback, you know who you are that always make fun of others for a personal amusement. Then when the consequence happened from the remark immediately crying foul and act like injustice victim. True not fun when the amusement fall unto yourself. In the end no body smiling except yourself.

Stupid comment from stupid person always is stupid and doesn't belong in the forum. Feedback good or bad base on personal buying experience always welcome and appreciated.

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There is nothing to stop a member who has a legitimate complaint about a vendor posting their own feedback and providing proof. It’s not a matter of censorship but a matter of fairness. 

Sometimes people have personal vendettas against someone. 

Simply making jabs at a vendor and posting a picture of Depends is not what I would consider constructive feedback. 

You Can already see how this thread is getting way off topic and going South really quickly. 

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3 hours ago, shaywood said:
Why does Reef2Reef.com censor critical feedback about vendors?
A forum member posted very appropriate critical feedback about a vendor. In the same thread, two more members expressed similar concerns. All discussion was professional and appropriate. The forum moderator then posted a message stating the thread was in the incorrect forum and must be moved. They also said only posts between the customer and vendor are allowed. The moderator moved the thread and deleted the additional comments from other members. Why is it that members can post positive comments all day long, but when members begin a critical discussion about a vendor, the thread gets moved and postings deleted? Be careful when relying on discussion groups in order to make informed decisions about vendors. Does this forum do the same thing?  I can understand freezing, or removing, inappropriate content, but simply removing content because it's critical is wrong.

They have specific rules on Reef2Reef about how disputes are to be handled between vendors and members. Much of the time people ignore or are not aware of the feedback rules, so R2R staff have the right to make the feedback conform to the forum rules.

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9 minutes ago, shaywood said:

At the end of the day I wonder why folks can post positive or negative reviews on Amazon, but folks can't share negative reviews about vendors or sellers in a constructive discussion on forums. 

I think the problem is that the forum format allows it to just go on and on. You end up with pages of flaming back and forth. Amazon reviews are more limited. Most vendors have ways that you can leave a brief review, like you would on Amazon. More and more vendors are using programs like this one, where an independent company manages the reviews. See here:


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11 minutes ago, shaywood said:

At the end of the day I wonder why folks can post positive or negative reviews on Amazon, but folks can't share negative reviews about vendors or sellers in a constructive discussion on forums. 

They can there is a member vendor feedback section on this forum. If you have a specific concern about a member or a vendor we would love to hear about it. This hobby is very expensive and there’s a lot to be learned and there are people out there who take advantage of others and this is not who we want on this forum. We have had people want to be vendors who we had concerns with and didn’t allow them to be sponsors. We have removed people who have been proven from multiple people that they were dishonest. This is a small community and word usually gets around but I welcome people posting negative concerns.  I have encouraged people to post publicly.

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23 minutes ago, shaywood said:

At the end of the day I wonder why folks can post positive or negative reviews on Amazon, but folks can't share negative reviews about vendors or sellers in a constructive discussion on forums. 

Forum's vendors feedback actually function like amazon review of personal buying experience with the vendor good or bad. It is not a discussion much the same as in amazon.

All forums usually do not allowed open discussion of personal buying experience because such discussion always become off topic and shouting match among members. Over the years hobby forums have adopted to use personal vendor feedback only. This vendor feedback posted in the forum's vendors feedback section will be permanent record unless posters can't back up their claim or fake feedback because poster never done business with the vendor. In a way the vendors feedback serve the community to provide information about a vendor to gauge purchase consideration without all the negativity if it were in discussion format.

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