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Is there anything else I can do to fight aefw?


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10 hours ago, ChrisQ said:

Rudy, the lighting settings you spoke about in our May meeting is paying off! i did my best to replicate your suggestions and already i'm seeing a difference. My GB Yowsers colonies are slowly getting their multicolored look back, I've seemed to turn them completely orange with very low PAR/PUR i guess. 

This was the most valuable advice I've heard in years. I immediately changed my settings. Thanks Rudy!

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13 minutes ago, maxicurls said:

This was the most valuable advice I've heard in years. I immediately changed my settings. Thanks Rudy!

Yes, this was really interesting - both regarding the intensity and period settings.  Plan to try some of that out myself when I get a chance... obviously works well for Rudy!

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Last year I became a stick addict, I very rarely leave a fish store without a new acro frag these days. This has been really tough knowing anything I add might get gnawed to bits by these terrible little monsters. So for a compromise I've been keeping my eyes peeled for anything with potential in the $30 or less price range just to feed the addiction. Recently I got this sweet tenius that seems to be more and more colorful everytime I look at it. Ive nicknamed it "the fuzz"IMG_20180522_133720.thumb.jpg.3b0ae1363301f710a2eea79cc5a5ef75.jpgIMG_20180522_133352.thumb.jpg.1c2d4956583d9bc733d6d284ce11cd71.jpg

My phone camera does a terrible job at capturing colors, though the base tissue is beginning to resemble rr orange passion in my opinion. Some polyps have begun to show orange/yellow colors too. Hopefully it will color up more and make the OP look like the Hw makes a wd look.🤞A man can dream right? 😉

What other wrasses would you guys recommend for pest control? I have a sandbed so really open to anything with a generally peaceful tempermant. Already have a yellow corris, and a possum, and I'm currently trying to find a Radiant wrasse. Would like to add another 1-2 for a total of 3-4 wrasses.


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19 minutes ago, Taylorhardy1 said:

Last year I became a stick addict, I very rarely leave a fish store without a new acro frag these days. This has been really tough knowing anything I add might get gnawed to bits by these terrible little monsters. So for a compromise I've been keeping my eyes peeled for anything with potential in the $30 or less price range just to feed the addiction. Recently I got this sweet tenius that seems to be more and more colorful everytime I look at it. Ive nicknamed it "the fuzz"IMG_20180522_133720.thumb.jpg.3b0ae1363301f710a2eea79cc5a5ef75.jpgIMG_20180522_133352.thumb.jpg.1c2d4956583d9bc733d6d284ce11cd71.jpg

My phone camera does a terrible job at capturing colors, though the base tissue is beginning to resemble rr orange passion in my opinion. Some polyps have begun to show orange/yellow colors too. Hopefully it will color up more and make the OP look like the Hw makes a wd look.🤞A man can dream right? 😉

What other wrasses would you guys recommend for pest control? I have a sandbed so really open to anything with a generally peaceful tempermant. Already have a yellow corris, and a possum, and I'm currently trying to find a Radiant wrasse. Would like to add another 1-2 for a total of 3-4 wrasses.


Wow - that is some crazy PE.  Hope it colors up nicely for you (not that it looks bad now).

As far as wrasses, I have a green coris, melanarus, red possum, blue star leopard, mystery, red margin fairy and peacock flasher.  Of those, the first five are all effective hunters and all seem to get along fine.  I personally really like the look of the mystery and Jeff has been getting some great ones in lately. I also like the blue star quite a bit as it has a distinctive shape and behavior vs. the others.  Hard to go wrong with either of those really.

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35 minutes ago, Taylorhardy1 said:

Last year I became a stick addict, I very rarely leave a fish store without a new acro frag these days. This has been really tough knowing anything I add might get gnawed to bits by these terrible little monsters. So for a compromise I've been keeping my eyes peeled for anything with potential in the $30 or less price range just to feed the addiction. Recently I got this sweet tenius that seems to be more and more colorful everytime I look at it. Ive nicknamed it "the fuzz"IMG_20180522_133720.thumb.jpg.3b0ae1363301f710a2eea79cc5a5ef75.jpgIMG_20180522_133352.thumb.jpg.1c2d4956583d9bc733d6d284ce11cd71.jpg

My phone camera does a terrible job at capturing colors, though the base tissue is beginning to resemble rr orange passion in my opinion. Some polyps have begun to show orange/yellow colors too. Hopefully it will color up more and make the OP look like the Hw makes a wd look.🤞A man can dream right? 😉

What other wrasses would you guys recommend for pest control? I have a sandbed so really open to anything with a generally peaceful tempermant. Already have a yellow corris, and a possum, and I'm currently trying to find a Radiant wrasse. Would like to add another 1-2 for a total of 3-4 wrasses.





Looks great btw!!




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30 minutes ago, albertareef said:

Wow - that is some crazy PE.  Hope it colors up nicely for you (not that it looks bad now)

The pe on that piece is absolutely nuts. I wish my phone would capture the actual colors of it. Had it for a little over a month now, and it's almost an entirely different, nicer piece. Base tissue is very yellow green, with hints of blues coming in on the corallites, the tips are a very nice bright blue, with the corallites being yellow/orange. Polyps are faint in color still, some are beginning to turn orange/yellow, others are a pale blue/green. Im currently running 4 zoomed coral blue t5s(my favorite blue bulb BTW) with a radion g2 on a heavily adjusted sps ab+ setting. it's currently sitting at 550 par, and seems to love it. I started it out at 350 par, and moved it to here over the last month. Seems to show the best pe in this spot, and colors are coming in like crazy. Guess we will see what cool things it decides to do! 

As far as wrasses go Im thinking about getting a melanarus, a mystery, and either a Radiant wrasse, or a bluespot leopard. 

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A lot of us usually miss the void space between the base of the acropora and rock or frag plug, it is the most likely area where eggs deposited and out of sight.

If you see worm/s flying out from a colony make sure you cut at the base and dip.

Clean and scrap the spot it was on before placing back the colony with new epoxy and glue.

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16 minutes ago, goldenbasketreef said:

A lot of us usually miss the void space between the base of the acropora and rock or frag plug, it is the most likely area where eggs deposited and out of sight.

If you see worm/s flying out from a colony make sure you cut at the base and dip.

Clean and scrap the spot it was on before placing back the colony with new epoxy and glue.

I haven't seen any with my now 2x weekly basting/blasting sessions for the last 5 or so times. When the issue first arose I chopped up the infected colony as I had thought it was rtn. The first time I found eggs I feel like I scraped of thousands, then it seemed to kind of cripple their populations. Only found a few small egg clusters the next week during dipping. The first cluster I found was on the base of a frag after I cut up and dipped the colony. Seems to be getting under control now though. The biggest thing I feel I've learned from this experience is ALWAYS qt any new additions. Gonna have a dedicated acro qt after I move next month. Thinking about doing a sort of multi stage quarantine like Jason fox does to guarantee pest removal. 

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1 hour ago, jtarmitage said:

As I messed up the date and missed the meeting, can someone offer a brief recap here?🙏

Might be nice to post that info in a fresh thread so we can find it when needed - maybe even a sticky.  Rudy @goldenbasketreef and or Bert @badxgillen maybe one of you could provide a recap of the lighting discussion around LEDs and we could create a home for it. Seems to have been really well received. Thanks again guys!

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The main points I took away from it were: 1. If you dial the white/multicolor array down on cheapish LED's, they don't produce the right color spectrum. So you have to run them almost full blast.  2. You should have the white/multicolor array on for only 6-8 hours each day. (Jason Fox does 6)       I'm sure there's more, but those were notable changes from what I'd been doing before.

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19 hours ago, albertareef said:

Might be nice to post that info in a fresh thread so we can find it when needed - maybe even a sticky.  Rudy @goldenbasketreef and or Bert @badxgillen maybe one of you could provide a recap of the lighting discussion around LEDs and we could create a home for it. Seems to have been really well received. Thanks again guys!

Great idea! I was standing 4ft from Rudy and Bert the whole time and have never paid so much attention to a discussion in my life (ADHD doesn't help :tongue:) but i would completely butcher it so i won't even try. :laugh: 

I know and understand Rudy's time is very short and precious at most times but that would be absolutely amazing if he ever found the time to create a dedicated thread for that info.


My take on some of it:

One of the best things, is that it's not light/brand specific but more about what's most important that our corals are seeking and need and how leds "REALLY" work when it comes to the electrical output the diode is receiving and what spectrum it's actually producing and utilizing certain spectrum's and eliminating others. Haha! told you i'll butcher it.

In my defense, i was awake for over 48hrs in preparation to pick-up my new torch making water, mixing, testing, testing and some more testing to match parameters/temps when i realized i was at 50ppm Nitrate :nono: What made matters worse is the morning of the meeting i decided to do an ammonia test being that i never was able to find or locate the body of a peppermint shrimp that went rouge and was imprisoned to a chamber of my large sump, trying to make sense of my 50ppm nitrate level. He was able to swap chambers because in my "Brain fart" tiredness i forgot that when i shut the return pump down ALL chambers become accessible due to the rise in volume, so he got by me and ended up in the intake of either my skimmer or return pump, my guess is return pump (poor guy) The ammonia test came up 0.25 (it was expired roughly one year)  False alarm but fortunately i already knew cause i again immediately went and tested one of the newly mixed brutes and i got the same result so then i tested it with a Salifert Nitrate kit and it came out zero, so that's impossible to have ammonia but i still went and bought a new ammonia kit at 8:00am lol :thumbs: All checked out fine.

Long story short, i did a 80g water change in a 125g system and dropped nitrates from 50ppm to 10ppm which was good enough for me at the time. :rolleyes:

Didn't get the new torch dipped/plug swapped and in the tank until just past 9pm

But, happy to report the extension is at least twice as long as when i stood with Rudy and picked it out and i KNOW i don't have better water then Rudy! :laugh: 



I must apologize to Taylor for interrupting his flatworm thread several times.

Sorry man! :unsure:





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I jason fox uses no LED at all besides reefbrite all blues. Reefbrite all blues and mostly actinic t5.




But yeah.. chill on the whites. I put my radiums from 7 hours to 5. We shall see. I am trying to make some big sales to treat myself to two 72" reefbrite xho strips.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk





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1 hour ago, pdxmonkeyboy said:

I jason fox uses no LED at all besides reefbrite all blues. Reefbrite all blues and mostly actinic t5.





But yeah.. chill on the whites. I put my radiums from 7 hours to 5. We shall see. I am trying to make some big sales to treat myself to two 72" reefbrite xho strips.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk





Jason Fox use t5 blue+ as the primary grow out light and color up using reefbrite blue stripe.

If you want to run MH for 4-5 hours like he does, make sure you have enough t5 blue +, t5 actinic and reefbrite blue stripe for 12-15hrs photoperiod

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