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What does your screen name mean?


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I always find people's forum names interesting and am curious to know what their name means. Some our obvious like Frank (real creative there.. ;) )


Other's are also obvious like Reefnjunkie and it fits you well. :happy: 


At the bbq yesterday I was asking Holly what Gil&Fin meant. :D  (I'm not telling you how she came up with it, she said she would have to kill me if she told me.. :hidesbehindsofa:  :cool: 


Many of us thought Robert's aka BadxGillen meant that he was bad arse :happy: but that was not the case. :unsure: 


Mine is simple. It's simply a username I have used for a long time. My birthday is May 25 and emerald is the birthstone for may.


Anyone else want to chime in? What does your username mean?

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Mine is from the movie Step Brothers when Dale tells Brennan he has to call him Dragon. Obscure reference that I'm sure no one got... until now.



Ha ha! Never would have guessed that at all! Figured it was for dragon eel or the red dragon acro that some people were going nuts for a few years back!

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Gil and Fin were my first two fish. Gil (as in gills on a fish...) was the most awesome-ist clownfish evah, but a lost him a few months back. I've been in counseling about it since then, so I can't really talk about it. [emoji12]


Fin is my cranky old bangaii cardinal ("Fin," get it? Bangaiis have lots of fins...hehehe). [emoji6]


This all sounds kind of silly now that I'm saying it outloud. I should have just kept everyone wondering... [emoji15]

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I like to flash people, and I like fish, so...  :tongue:



Just kidding!  :happy:  I'm flashy as in loud, in terms of color preference (anyone who has been to my place can attest it looks like a rainbow threw up inside), shine (sequins! never enough sequins!), and volume (I'm nearly incapable of NOT shouting when I talk). This shows up in my tanks, as well. Would rather have a pet mosquito than a brown coral or fish; only the brightest, flashiest colors for me! I'm still upset live rock doesn't come in hot pink. 

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