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Starting new predator tank


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So I'm starting to build a predator tank. I'm using a aqueon 29gal tank that I had laying around and figured why not. Going to do a AIO tank just need to get the plexiglass to build the fauls wall and baffles. As soon as I figure out how to ill post pics of the progress.

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In a 29g Seahorses would be considered Ambush predators.... :D


Depending on glass or acrylic (I am not familiar with smaller tank banrds) you might be able to do a Mantis, or an Angler as well. If you go Angler I would definitely do the baffles as some do not require much room to swim at all, and to much room is a bad thing. 

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I'm a little torn between an angler or a fuzzy dwarf lion I'll also have mushrooms, zoos, soft corals and maybe some LPS. Trying to also figure out my cleaners due to I know that crabs and shrimp are not an option. So most likely so brittle stars snails and a urchin. As you can see I have drawn some lines planing out my filtration I know by making this a AIO it's no longer a true 29g more like a 20g but I'm hoping the over compassion of filtering and protein skimmer will work out.0910163d99265c671233163ee0c49e80.jpgc691e11b47777192412108dfe0d7d934.jpg



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I do like the look of the Rhinopias scorpion but there spendy. Just trying to decide on a skimmer either do IM's 65g skimmer or a HOB just haven't decided yet I know I'll have more options with a HOB but I like the idea of every thing contained in one area

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So I'm still looking for a good skimmer so many out there. Id like a small compact not to fit in the AIO sys I'm building like IM's Aqua gadgets protein skimmer but I feel it might not be enough.does any body have any experience with them or a suggestion for a good HOB skimmer



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok update time got my filter box made and I got a reef octopus classic 1000 for a skimmer still need to install scrubber and tray for charcoal but it's coming together. I had some thoughts about rotating the pump 90deg to increase the space in the display after I siliconed every thing in but with the added space I can install a reactor if I feel the need to.0239e3c179ac166ce223339ecb984ed2.jpg6507f0b2cc783ebc5cca8b4eafeb6d3f.jpg1a4d02b46ab2ff3477027d1147f46c5e.jpg58c45c4c944b11f71b12ca9ac7deecc5.jpgf94623f7450320728274e499d681ee2f.jpg



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok all new update, filtration is done minus some algae, but rocks in and every thing is running so happy just have to wait for the tank to cycle which is soo hard lol. But I ordered my fuzzy dwarf lion and scorpion leaf fish. After cycle will start loading it up with coral.





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Man this is really coming together nicely, the stock is going to be pretty cool too, fuzzy dwarfs and the Leafs are very interesting fish. If you need some tank warming corals once things are done cycling hit me up and I will see if I can get some your way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I put 3 chromis and some coral in about a week and half two weeks ago and all is ok so today I went to go get my fuzzy dwarf lion. After looking at him I believe he's a zebra dwarf but I could not turn him down. Also while looking I seen a indo scorpion and I could not say no he's so cute. Also picked up a white short spine urchin. All where doing ok and exploring the tank but not eating yet. With any luck a chromis or two will go missing as evil that sounds a fish has to eat lol. All thanks to the guys at the the premium aquarium in Salem.3715c321d696ceb1386c4a31eff3ccff.jpgd422064372e140b5b79968d696471889.jpgc836db585754179f7bc2668cc04b1581.jpg



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Wow that is looking awesome I might have to start a predator tank. Can you feed them goldfish?

no, no and no. Sorry if that seems rude and over the top but many people make that mistake and the lions don't live long cause the can not digest the fats in the gold fish. There diet are live foods like ghost shrimp or damsels, chromis, even guppies and mollies are ok. My two are still not eating yet but it's only day two and stress causes lots of issues, hoping to get them started on frozen food like silversides and krill or even table shrimp. If looking to keep any kind of predator fish it's good to do your research on them first I found http://www.lionfishlair.com a good place for info



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Looking real good! The little scorpions are awesome and yes, very cute little pokey fish. If all else, come get some feeder guppies. We have had a few customers acclimate them over to saltwater and just breed a constant feeding supply. I know that the scorpion will take frozen soon since it has been eating frozen for the last couple of months but the lion may be a bit harder to get on frozen.

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