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PNWMAS September meeting !!!


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Thanks Garrett! Awesome shop. Killer new acans acclimating in my tank right now. What a screaming deal! Great meeting you and some other members I've not met, even ones that don't post much on the forums :-). Great seeing and talking with you Robert and Andy. I always get surprised at how much I can geek out on reef stuff with the right crowd. My non reef friends never understand past the the first two words I say.

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What a great meeting! I had an awesome time!


I want to send out a big thank you to the following:

- Roy for his awesome Fiji Presentation. Sweet reefs and an awesome environment.

- Chef Dave for grilling burgers and dogs so that the rest of us could chat reef all day :)

- Chris, Josh, Colton, Robby, Spencer, and wall who help get things ready and keep the show running.

- And most of all, all of you who attended!


There were some great conversations going on and I know there were a ton of new people who had never come to a meeting before. Also, lots of old members reuniting! The frag swap going on was huge. Tons of people trading and giving things away. I got some sweet macros(thanks Robert!) and several coral frags from various people! I wish more of the BOD could have made it. It would have been good to chat with you all and I know there were several people with membership questions, ideas, etc. Thank you Randy for picking up the projector. If the club needs a screen, the one I had at the meeting is up for grabs as needed.

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