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opinons on online fish stores.

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with liveaquaria make sure you are using there divers den to buy fish from those are the fish that they have in thier stores also they have a great quarantine program as well but for me i prefer to buy my fish from local or as local as i can get being in roseburg im going to supply all my fish from garrett at the premium aquarium

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I only bought from live aquaria when I could not find something specific locally. I would ask each store for a couple of months, and if I turned up with nothing than I would turn to on-line sources. The local shops supported me when I need something right away, so I supported them even when the prices were a little higher than the on-line prices (+shipping).



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I don't mind paying a little more for the local shops, but when the online store gives u a two week guarantee, it's hard to pass on. I pretty much buy all my fish online now, since there are now local stores with that type of offer. LiveAquaria and Blue Zoo Aquatics are the two sites I've used and like.....good luck with your purchases.

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I have ordered coral from TECO (Totaly Exotic Corals of Oregon) and was very happy with what I recieved.


I am afraid of ordering fish from an oline store. I like the option of seeing if the animal is eating and watch it swim before I decide if I want to bring it home. JMO

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thats one reason i havent attempted an online purchase yet myself aswell for livestock[i guess just fish] atleast, well one time for a cuc from reefs2go and then i tried zoos from them. one set of zoos melted but 4/5 were alright and more then 5 polyps ea as stated. from those times i woudnt order from then just cause i didnt like the quality of product as well as they continouesly email me. but the cuc was awesome for price compared to local. for fish though i want to see their fins and behaivor, as wellas breathing first thats why i havent attempted them online yet

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A fish can look great in a store (eating, swimming, looking happy).....and then be dead in your tank 2-3 days later. Its happened to me, and I'm sure its happened to a lot of other people. At least if u bought that fish online, it can be replaced, free of charge. I feel more secure knowing that, then being able to see the fish for a few minutes at a store.

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Some LFS will take care of you too. I lost a tang a week after I got it from West side and they gave me full credit for it. Just ask the LFS what they will do you you. Besides I usualy spend several hours looking at the tanks before leaving so I get a good viewing of the fish (whistle)

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thanks everyone.


i agree its awfully hard to pass up a 14 day guarantee. i could have had a couple things reimbursed at this point. I love the premium Aquarium, that's where i got most of everything i have in my tank. the prices are higher then the stores, but i really enjoy the customer service and the people working there, so i don't mind paying more some times. happy to support the local LFS. Im thinking of pursuing a online site for the one time shipping fee, and the 14 day guarantee, seams like if im buying multiple things it would be worth my while.

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Avoid aquacon like the plague.


You will not get what you think you're buying and trying to contact them after your payment has gone through will be near impossible.


For instance, they have "Marshall islands live rock" I myself wonder where they got it as it's been illegal to collect rock in the Marshall islands as of August 2008 (just an example of their deceptive practices)


If you do a search for aquacon at reefcentral you'll find nothing but horror stories

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