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The 250g DD Experience

Harold B

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Alright I finished my stand for now, rented some suction cups and am about to get the tank up on it, as soon as the fourth person shows up. After its up there i'll upload some pics that I have so far. Not completely sure how the drains are going to be yet. After I get the pics up you all can tell me what you think.

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After it was in place I decided to check and see how level my stand building job was and almost couldn't believe it. I didn't have a saw so I had to make a cut list and have an employee at HD make my cuts, which weren't exactly square. But with screws,a drill and a pocket square I was able to DIY a stand in a few hours.


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So after borrowing a few neighbors I finally got it up on the stand.I got all four drain bulkheads tight and installed shutoff valves on them all and am currently filling it with RO/DI. I dry fitted most of the plumbing but can't find my thread tape so i'll finish it all up tomorrow. tankonstand.jpg

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Got my plumbing glued up' date='finishing up the seaswirls and waiting for my RO/DI.What is the difference between a 75gpd RO/DI and a 150gpd is it the restrictor or the membrane itself?[/quote']


Membrane and the restrictor, I upgraded mine from 50 to 100.

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I Have a 50gpd RO/DI hooked up to a booster pump and can make 100 gallons a day with zero TDS-I don’t get this whole rating thing-I guess I have mine "overdriven"-I bet if I swapped to 3/8" tubing instead of the 1/4, I could get 200GPD-(laugh)


Looks good so far-hope you have better luck than I once the water is in. The tank/stand all measured level until I add 600+ pounds of water-LOL

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I Have a 50gpd RO/DI hooked up to a booster pump and can make 100 gallons a day with zero TDS-I don’t get this whole rating thing-I guess I have mine "overdriven"-I bet if I swapped to 3/8" tubing instead of the 1/4, I could get 200GPD-(laugh)


Looks good so far-hope you have better luck than I once the water is in. The tank/stand all measured level until I add 600+ pounds of water-LOL


Your just overdriving the membrane which makes it less effective so the Di is probably picking up the slack.

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WOW after finally getting my 2 picasso's to host my RBTA I looked in the temp. holding tank today and the RBTA has now split into two. Now each picasso has its own RBTA. I guess sometimes a little stress is a good thing. Does anybody know if any of the LFS's have a bucket of NEO MARINE salt? (brightwell) I used my one full bucket and need another,i'd like to use the same salt for the whole fill but it's not vital.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Your just overdriving the membrane which makes it less effective so the Di is probably picking up the slack.


I look at it from a forest gump approach stupid is as stupid does-that little meter thingy that has that little switchy thingy, well I push that button thingy and it tells me the water coming out has 0.00, the blue box thingy is a TDS meter thingy-

whatever that all means-(scratch)




Alright I have a few new pics' date=' this is from day two of filling the tank it took me 4 days to get it full.[img']http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff430/krazyonetime/fill.jpg[/img]


Looking good Harlod-and it looks to still be level-(clap)


Once I started adding water the carpet/pad compressed slightly and I lost about an 1/8" from being true level.


That is a really sweet foot print-


I cant wait for the day I join the "Double D" club-;) and no people we aren't talking cup sizes-:eek:

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Well I just got done scaping the tank but for some reason photobucket wont load pics right now (Bummer) so i'll load them later. Actually to tell the truth I lost about a 1/16" to 1/8" from front to back. So i guess the 3000lbs made the floor lean towards the rear a bit.

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