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Everything posted by islandVib3s

  1. Yea its pretty simple,use your phone on a white screen and hold it on the inside of the pane,turn polarized glasses till you see waves=tempered. No waves means you can drill. I've also did it with a laptop inside the tank.still coming along and cycling. Butter clams to help filter out the OD of ammonia. When or if they dies they with be diy fish cubes.theyve lived 2 days now 😆 🤣
  2. Yea plumbing is going to be a pain,only tank that fits that I have on hand us a 10 gallon for this cabinet, ill make a decision next week on how and what I want,pump comes in Saturday.
  3. That background is 🔥 what color.is that and which paint? I might have to do that on my 65 petco build or even 2 of my 40 breeder builds I havent gotten to yet.nice work and keep it up!
  4. Yea I know,thats the downside to the 55 gallon tanks they're just to narrow,i managed to get about a half inches between the glass and the some of the arches that get close to the glass,ill have to get a lo profile magnet cleaner.but itll look better if I do put corals in it,I hope to just have it as a FOWLR setup but ill see how long that lasts lol
  5. please close thread,ended up building it for my living room
  6. Still have the bulbs? I also have to frags for trade, purple brush gorgonian, splatter hammer and some home brewing phytoplankton. Im in Vancouver and it not much of a drive if I dodge the traffic lol
  7. Yea I think imma just run it on 2 canister to start the cycling and until I get the plumbing and parts figured out. Plumbing could definitely be a painful process lol especially if you glue bond them to soon. 90° looks nice but I've ran into alot of gurgling so I've switched to 45°s from past experiences lol. Also valves are necessary for fine tuning, gate valves are nice but cost a pretty penny. Ball valves will get the job done but could be a pain to open and close,but honestly why would you keep messing with the adjustments lol I tell myself that everytime I adjust my flow which is randomly 😆
  8. Part it out! Lol nice pieces forsure. What skimmers are they?
  9. 55 FOWLR setup Used: 55 gallon,stand and canopy So I was planning on plumbing and drilling but after testing glass will polarized glasses I found that every pane is tempered 😖 i dont want to do a hang on overflow box because I've heard of all the accident that they do and I really don't want to run a air pump. I do have canister filters but want the sump so I'm thinking about doing the "DIY kings pvc overflow " so I can run a sump and also doing the updated version with the weir. And another thing I need to decide is if I should split the return to DT to have 2 returns and 1 drain to sump. Maybe have it all centered on back wall and return heads pointing towards bottom mid corners. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance
  10. I'll get another picture tomorrow. Thx for the help!
  11. Can't remember the name of these zoas. There's 2 different kinds on this plug.thanks in advance.
  12. Yea I would order some if its your fresh start to avoid anything that might be in someone else's tank unless you trust them that much lol. Shipping is pretty fast for algeabarn.good luck!
  13. Welcome to the group, I've learned alot from watching brs on YouTube. But also learned alot the hard way lol,welcome
  14. I'll be there!! Pretty excited. Lol should we bring a cooler? Corals for trade?
  15. Oooouuu where and when lol lmk
  16. Lol yea but it seems like everything is starting to open up.lol I have a small condo and a single car garage which will be my fish room, its just crammed atm so I've been busy working on that.
  17. You still have the stand and lights?
  18. I wouldn't trust auto feeders because they will fail.i havent taken a vacation because I didn't feel my tank was stable enough but it is now. Advise a Apex controller to keep updates on parameters. Im to cheap for alex atm but I have a camera so if I have service I can check in and also have digital read outs I can see from camera. Mainly temp and PH and have a gravity fed auto top off with float valve. Growing macroalgea could help with the algea eaters.idk something will fail,just have to be ready for it.good luck Also I try to have a balance with stock. Clowns,lawnmower blenny(cleaner), scopas tang(cleaner),6line(cleaner),plus hermits,snails,starfish,macroalgea in sump all in a 40 breeder. VID_40140811_234029_916.mp4 VID_40140811_234029_916.mp4
  19. huge thanks to@ blue z reef, he has been a huge mentor in helping me an guiding me in this hobby and his tank is just hypnotizing. also want to thank@ Hayes, for all the usable equipment he was parting with as now im making a fish room and they can all be used. also i cant forget@ reeftank225, thx for some nice pieces and allowing me to see that massive pool you call a tank lol. and last but not least thanks to the admin and forum for having this awesome place to share the love for this hobby/life. ....side note, when i get my garage fish room up and running i will be brewing up some phyto for trade or sale, and possibly have a BBQ and i will welcome any of you over.the tanks wont be fully stocked yet but i will take donations,frags,usable equipment,rehome any marine life in them ...menu would probably be hot dogs,hot links,hamburgers and some other random things maybe(free for reefers) but maybe ill charge for drinks lol....fish room has 2x40 breeder,50 lowboy,55 and some other small tanks.its still all in planning and in construction. let me know if any of you are interested just to kinda get a head count. much love-Rick
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