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Everything posted by SuncrestReef

  1. I have a small powerhead in my sump skimmer chamber aimed right at my dosing tubes which are about 4” apart from each other. This disperses it right away with no precipitation. I chose this over the return chamber because that’s where I have my Apex probes and I don’t want the 2-part to cause my pH probe to spike.
  2. But I love over thinking! But seriously, the Neptune DOS automatically divides the dose amount and spreads it out evenly over the time period you choose. For example, if you specified 20 ml over 24 hours, it will do 0.2 ml every 14.4 minutes. If you tried to force it to dose every hour, you’d need to manually create 24 separate intervals, which would be a pain. Even worse, when you decide to change the amount you’d need to edit all 24 dose intervals.
  3. I eat a lot of sushi. That's the one time I try not to think about my tank. 😬
  4. By the way, let me know if you need any tips on setting up the auto water change. I've been running mine for over a year now and love it!
  5. When I first started, I dosed calcium during the day, then alk at night in an effort to keep pH relatively stable. Later I learned that corals needed more alk during the day, so I switched to dosing both 24 hours per day. Then last month I bought a Trident and learned SO MUCH about what my corals are actually doing. Since the Trident tests alk, calcium, and magnesium multiple times per day, you can see the levels change throughout the day. Based on that testing, I'm now dosing different amounts during the day and night, and the Trident is then fine-tuning the DOS to try to keep everything stable. Here's my current schedule:
  6. If that causes me to trip and fall into your frag tank, do I get to keep the frags I “accidentally” stuff in my mouth? 🤣
  7. When is the next meeting? I haven't seen any announcements.
  8. I’ve been lucky. There are 3 emeralds in my tank and they’ve never eaten any corals. I see them on corals occasionally like in the photo, but they’re usually looking for algae and move on if they don’t find any. My only complaint is that they aren’t interested in my bubble algae which was the reason I got them. But they’ve done a great job with other types of algae.
  9. How far are you from Wilsonville? I sometimes stop in at All Things Aquarium and could meet you there with some stomatellas. I have more than I know what to do with.
  10. Just curious...who is in charge of banner ads here on PNWMAS? Some are outdated: @Chief @TheClark
  11. I also posted this on Reef2Reef and someone there mentioned it won't be a problem once he molts. I hadn't thought about the molting process, but that makes sense.
  12. Lefty (my large hermit crab) has algae growing on his antennae. Will this cause any harm? Should I attempt to manually remove it? (I doubt this would be possible since he will retract into his shell)
  13. Very cool tank! I also like the frag tank. Like you said — someday...
  14. Sure, Friday or Saturday will work. I don’t need any new snails...mine have been breeding so I have baby nassarius, astrea, and stomatellas crawling all over everything! PM me to coordinate.
  15. I picked up two cool frags from @What_The_Frag today: Check out those polyps!
  16. Ha! Or you could just borrow my Flipper scraper for a week to seed your tank with coraline. Look at that thing! 🤣
  17. How big is your tank? Unless it’s pretty small, you’ll likely need more than two berghia. I put a dozen into my Reefer XL 425 and they took care of the aiptasia in about 3 months.
  18. What is that in the video? I have something similar in my sand but with very fine gray & black tentacles. At first I thought I was seeing things, but I’ve seen it several times recently.
  19. How big is “very large”? I have 3 turbos that are about 1.5”, but now that my tank is maturing and I don’t have much algae, I’m thinking of cutting back to just one turbo. You’re welcome to have two of mine if you like. And they come with a lot of my famous coraline algae!
  20. @TaylorW How is your new kole tang doing, and did your skimmer eventually settle down?
  21. How great would it be to feed your fish from inside the tank?!!! Well...maybe not @pdxmonkeyboy's Jaggy...😬
  22. I hope everyone had a great time, and sorry I had to miss out today. I'll be sure to attend next year! Looking forward to photos and a re-cap of all the fun.
  23. In the ongoing battle between Lefty the hermit crab and my emerald crab (as yet unnamed), we have our first casualty. Today they had another battle, and Lefty came away with two of the emerald crab's legs: Now I might name the emerald crab Six-Pack for his new leg count.
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