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Everything posted by LadAShark

  1. I am very tempted, as I also was planning to pick up a frog spawn at some point. My only dilemma is I am also currently quarantining, as I somehow got velvet and... ouch. Enough said 😞 Anyway, if it’s not gone in two weeks or so, and my current fish stock is still doing ok in the hospital tank, I might consider adding him to a different tank separate from them until my fallow period is over.
  2. If theDSBlack doesn’t take it, I will. Also sent message.
  3. Hmm, majestic huh. How is its behavior with corals? Also, what do you mean by pair $150? edit: mb, got it, you meant “paid 150”
  4. I more or less have it figured out and the rest are looking healthy. They eat too but don’t have much of an appetite. Up to full therapeutic dose of cupramine and thanks to @PetVet I also have chloroquine phosphate and a prescription for more of it. I am contemplating when and how I should switch to CP, but I am worried about my blue tang as I have heard they don’t tolerate it well. But on the other hand, I have heard that some velvet is resistant to copper treatments.
  5. So update on situation: I saw the infection proceeding rapidly across basically all of the fish so I switched to treatment asap. I have pulled an all nighter (nothing I’m unfamiliar with after engineering and now being in medicine) trying to keep the fish and watch them as I treat them. Of the 6, 5: the indian and niger triggers, emperor angelfish, sailfin and blue tangs are all doing great and are in copper+furan2+kanamycin. The flame angel is in critical condition and could pass any second... though he’s been like that for hours now and I am somehow maintaining his breathing. I am also treating him but I am doing it separately from the other fish as I wanted to not increase the copper too fast for him. I don’t know if it’s worth my time for the flame angelfish, but I feel responsible for its life and so I will try to stay awake as long as I can— until I pass out, it gets better, or it passes away. I wish I had assumed that the fish all had velvet when they arrived. I thought I would watch them in my DT (as it was fishless for months prior) and then treat them in my hospital tank on first sign of something going wrong, unfortunately my blueface angelfish was changing colors simultaneously and hid the progression of his disease too well until it was too late. At least I caught it before it wiped my tank, hopefully I can at least save these fish... Edit: as of about 7:45 AM the flame angelfish passed away. I am quite saddened but partially numb after the blueface. All the other fish however seem to be on the path to full recovery. It appears I not only had velvet, but also some sort of gram negative bacterial infection.
  6. Wonderful I am a little less excited for it than I was before because I recently had a breakout of velvet 😞 , rather, the vendor I bought my fish from— fishy business aquatics— sent me a sick fish which has me going fallow as I used my DT to quarantine (I had no fish for months prior— just inverts), but I’m still pretty excited to join in on the fun. But unless there’s some equipment or anything I won’t have the stomache to nab something living :’(
  7. Rather, why is it that many of the things that are very difficult actually seem simple, deceptively so?
  8. I had recently gotten a shipment of 7 fish, around two weeks ago from fishybusiness aquatics: emperor angel, blueface, flame angel, blue tang, sailfin tang, indian triggerfish, niger triggerfish. Unfortunately the blueface seems to have some variant of velvet that only afflicts the gills, or at least so I am told by more experienced folks at reef2reef. Despite treatment I was unable to save him, and he just passed a few minutes ago. I’m going to avoid taking a risk and I will most likely go fallow on my main tank, treating the remaining fish (which all look healthy and spotless) in a separate tank. In the meanwhile, I’m totally bummed out, as I really liked the fella and now the rest of the fish too are at risk. 😞 p.s. I am going to try to get my hands on some chloroquine phosphate. Don’t know how I will go about it buuuut...
  9. I did. It says it’s not yet determined.
  10. Any idea if or when it will happen?
  11. More targeted at vendors as it is more likely they have one or can get access to one, but I am looking to buy an Oxycheilinus digramma, aka Cheeklined Maori Wrasse or just Cheeklined Wrasse. Looking something like the attached image (green and red) as adults. As juveniles they look like the other image (which is what I prefer to get one as). Lmk if anybody can hook me up with one.
  12. My tanks all have rims at the moment, but if it was made for a rimless I probably could clip it onto an overflow. I don’t feed as much nori cause it pieces up a ton, I tend to use dried kelp (though the fish don’t go as crazy about it), which I attach by tying it to overflow via a rubberband; kelp is thicker and I can actually pierce a hole through it to use to tie, which obviously isn’t as convenient. But yeah, I think I would like a short chain with a clip at the end, which I can then zip tie... TO MY OVERFLOW ONCE AGAIN 😜 — or a clip that can clip onto my rim or overflow would work too but that might be a bit harder to design haha. What I can see is that since the clip is made from plastic, the plastic’s elasticity in the future will slowly degrade due to deformation (albeit a very long time— depending on type of plastic used). Thanks for doing this
  13. Yeah I think I’d prefer the handheld cause it seems it has no software download?
  14. Oh wow, I’m interested too. I have three angels, two triggers, and two tangs, all of which love seaweed. Interested in how this turns out (and if I could potentially get one as well). I’d need to think on what type of clip suits me, but I would be willing to pay a reasonable price for one.
  15. I am trying out some T5’s, LED’s, and a combination of the two. Can I be put on the list? I think I will come by for the eventual August meeting.
  16. I'm going to be gone for like a month in september due to some unexpected circumstances. I haven't been able to get anyone I know (and trust to take care of fish) to look after my tanks. 1 10 Gallon freshwater with bettas, several tetras, 1 otto catfish, 2 small plecos, 1 rainbow shark, 1 kuhli loach (it's literally covered in plants, and I plan to upgrade soon) 1 5 gallon tank with 2 green spot puffers and a purple shore crab (got it to feed my puffers from the coast, it's been alive for a couple months and puffers refuse to eat it, didn't have heart to kill it). (Was in a 20, put them in a 5 for convenience, they'll do fine for a month in it). Luckily I haven't stocked my 120 that just finished cycling yet. I had gotten it fully setup but after a breakout of brown slime I had to start it over. Would really appreciate the help, and could help return the favor in the future.
  17. Might want to check with some of the New Jersey Aquarium clubs. We here in the west coast would have a pretty hard time getting it to you on the east coast lol
  18. Oh my, I missed it by far cause I was waiting for the weekend. If you still have some I can pick it up tomorrow. Do let me know what you're planning.
  19. I'm in Beaverton, OR, sorry for the late reply.
  20. In need of some macro algae as I am starting up some new tanks with refugiums. Anybody have some they can give me? Would love any type (especially the more brightly colored ones though). Anything from chaeto to the purples, reds, and bright greens.
  21. In need of some macro algae. Anybody still have clippings?
  22. Bleach would also work perfectly fine to kill plants. A combination of pouring bleach then pouring vinegar or vice versa could also neutralize (if measured properly) the pH change so you won't have to worry about planting in acidic/basic soil). As for reusing tank water, I'm pretty sure there'd be an easy way to separate the organics, the salt, and the water if I think back to O chem. Edit: hmm if I could find a semi-permeable membrane than only lets through water? Hmmm. Wait, silly me, that's RODI. Now if only there was a cheaper wayyyyy.
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