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Everything posted by milesmiles902

  1. To be honest, I think a lot of LFS owners enjoy frequent customers. You just have to play nice. I think the things you shouldn't do are: Not reach hands in tanks Not catch your own fish and coral Not ask if you can get the best friends deal on equipment. Definitely hog the owner with questions. Definitely tell the aquarium store owner they are wrong. You read it on a forum.
  2. Back in my day, we'd classify people like yourself as a BAMF.
  3. Also, you don't have an AC fighting against a chiller. Rarely have I ever seen a chiller placed in an outside area.
  4. Speak of the devil:
  5. What type of temperatures are we talking? What's the lighting situation? Ultimately, AC is the way to go. Although, on a small tank like that a chiller wouldn't be a bad idea. Get one used.
  6. *bump Just a heads up @Avesreef. Do you have another picture? @nate.hobart.1 You have encrusters! I see them!
  7. I think that depends on the water level and the overflow. I really don't have issues and it's about 3/4" from the top. ...Unless I go crazy with the magnetic scraper. You just have to be slower.
  8. Where did you find them? Give us some background.
  9. What? Why isn't there a place for people who aren't going to vote for how awesome Sirena is?!
  10. 100%. Ammonium or Nitrate compounds will put you on a list. Each of them are bad places to be.
  11. That type of thing was happening to my 75 gallon stand (wish I could show you pics, but I am out of the country). To fix it, I ended up buying some clamps and sheet rock nails and put them in two on each side perpendicular to each other. Then I went and bought some gorilla glue and sealed the inside. Haven't had a problem since.
  12. Potassium chloride isn't regulated. People use it as water conditioners all the time, just like Calcium chloride.
  13. TrailerMann: You've won #1. Congratulations!
  14. If I re-did this video it would have been held over my conscious till the day I died.
  15. Trust me. The next one will be better. I just didn't have the nerve to re-do it...Jeremevan deserves it. As my dad always said, honesty is the best policy. Video.wmv
  16. Just a heads up, less than 24 hours left.
  17. Golly Gee Whiz! That means a lot. Thanks, Spectra!!! How about...uhh...you do a share the love event. Let's keep this ball rolling.
  18. Pictures like these should be banned from the forum. They make the rest of us look bad.
  19. Yeah, right! I see a leptoseris of them in that photo. Try to adjust the angle a bit so that it isn't centered on the leather coral.
  20. Wow! What great pictures! I just want to re-clarify the rules because I think it can be easily misunderstood. Commonly, the Picture of the Month has a theme as listed above in red. That being said, when I set the theme as encrusters it was meant to be by a hard surface, such as a Montipora, Leptoseris, Cyphastrea etc. I'd even completely fine with Favia or Chalices as long as they have relatively small polyp size and don't flow with the current. Stylaster's coral is a prime example of what we are looking for. Everyone else, if you can re-evaluate your pictures that would be super! I love how many people are participating and don't want the submissions to stop.
  21. Congratulations to the winner of May 2017 picture of the month, TheClark!!!!
  22. Yeah, maybe I'll make it clearer next time. Please make sure to follow the theme. Avesreef, do you have a clearer picture of encrusters in your tank?
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