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Everything posted by fishboys

  1. What a great frag tank. I do think your asking a little much though. Maybe if you could drop it by my place then drop a $50 in my hand I think that would be a little better. The generosity this place generates always makes me smile. Nice job man. If no one will take it for free, just ask $20 for it then it will be gone. LOL
  2. Sorry, could someone flip that for me and them pm me how to make it right. The pictures are from an iPad.
  3. This is just a frag rack but all my corals are in place and if they are happy to be where they are the plugs come off and onto rock they go. Fly in the ointment is my rtba, doesn't seem happy in a spot where we can enjoy it. Keeps moving. I tried the blasting it with a korilla and no Bueno. Anyways rock work got changed around a bit so the rtba could be enjoyed and of course in the morning it had moved again. Good news it moved to a better location and finally seems happy. This is one I got from Kev, it's a very nice rose tip. I've had it since the meeting. Was going to turn it in for credit and get something else for my future clowns to host but that all seems ( fingers crossed) like it won't be necessary. So point is I can't make a rtba move to a good location but if you try hard you still might not be able to make it work. I will post more pics later.
  4. If you take this one from me now I will gladly take your three from you on the second Tuesday of next week, deal?
  5. No I don't want more but I will sell you that one for free.
  6. Hadn't seen this. Love the rock work and pretty much everything else.
  7. Sorry I tried for an hour to get that photo correct. Maybe a guy who is smarter than myself can flip it for me. Thanks and sorry again
  8. Please please please sell me a chunk. At least say ya, that's a cool monti. Even if you think it looks worse that dog droppings on a sidewalk In 110 degree heat. Come on guys and gals I am sensitive.
  9. I am sure many of you already know of this, but it might reach one person who wasn't aware of it. It's a free magazine. The real reason I am thought about sharing this was to see if anyone had a couple of these corals but the main one is the purple based monti with the green polyps on the bottom of page 22 If anyone has this coral of this color please sell me a chunk. http://www.reefhobbyistmagazine.com/magazine-tiled-q2-2015-22.html
  10. I picked up a couple frags and I can tell you you that the price and size are so above fair that I actually gave him more money than he asked for because I felt I would of been taking advantage of him had I not paid the extra $ . I got the corals home and they just flat out opened up and we're happy as a clam this morning after an overnight rest in my tank. If you need something he is selling then go get some. It was very nice to meet you Dave. And thanks again.
  11. You and me both. I am already thinking about my next home and how it might be laid out as to make reefing easier. I need a plant tank a jelly tank a horse tank a blah tank a blah tank a blah tank you get the idea. Bert I truely look forward to coming down to your place and checking out all your tanks. Thanks for the pics and more pics are always welcome. Newbie I love your setup. It's so very cool. Thank you both for taking the time.
  12. I am interested in starting my sump up with things other than the normal stuff. Please do tell.
  13. You also hit it on its head, bad and someone wants it. I might leave it in the hole until I need to put frag racks in the sump.
  14. I think your nailed it on its head. I would try to eat it but can't find my super duper iitty bitty crab cracker.
  15. Is this a good or bad crab? I decided to put some cheto I had purchased from a local fish store into a bag. I was tired of that stuff floating around my tank. I don't use prefilters everywhere.. Anyways I checked it and something looked dead but it is very much alive.
  16. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
  17. Ok Bert, could you tell me what corals are emitting toxins please? I didn't catch how big the tank was in the article, 5.3 ounces dried detritus seems like a whole lot since I am sure it was at least 90+% water to begin with. Start doing some math and the LB's start adding up. Thanks
  18. I am in for a piece of everything.
  19. You did good. All I got was a very large small colony of Forest Fire. I would say I was disapointed but that would be a big fat lie, we I got that plus another 12 frags I am guessing. The Dinga is the Man. Thanks again my friend..
  20. Anything left for me?
  21. So I ended up going to cabelas and purchasing a large are pump then they also had something for water movement so I bought a smal, 12 volt battery and I was ok for awhile. Then I heard it might be out all night. I then panic a little bit but run down a generater and go to se to pick it up and at 10:30 I am almost home and you guessed it, I get the call from the wife, it's came back on. I opened a beer and proceeded to fall asleep after one sip. That's not only a party foul but Alchohol abuse.
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