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Everything posted by Trigger334

  1. Can't really see what's so special about it. Nothing really new? Osram Olson and TMC paired up like 2 years ago to release the first and still patent leading emitter specially reef designed to have high energy, but be the appearance of a natural reef. No more dark blue. They called it Nature Perfect. Either the Reef White version or Ocean Blue. Plus, they have low watts, passive cooling, IP67 waterproof, high standard for dimming/color adjustment, and the longest warranty out for any aquatic LEDs (5 year). Probably just trying to get out in the US market as something new?
  2. A good read that would help: http://aquarium-digest.com/2010/04/11/led-aquarium-lights-lighting/
  3. All of American Aquarium Products article library http://www.americanaquariumproducts.com/Aquarium_Information.html
  4. Im unsure if there was one threat or two called in, but all RCC campus has been evacuated. It's also unconfirmed if they are looking for shooters as well. State police and Sheriff are at the school. City police are being held back just in case it's a decoy.
  5. http://m.ktvl.com/article?id=28135782&categoryid=325&election=&provider=
  6. Bomb threat at RCC in Grants Pass. Right up the road from us. All schools are in locked down... Everyone has been asked to leave RCC. 199 is closed. Looking for 4 people (rifles?) and a bomb?
  7. People would actually see they are not getting as much flow as they thought.... Very Cool.
  8. Last name is Trigg. Like the Trigger fish Cant remember 334, other than I've always used it.
  9. SunSun has a higher output line, which would be able to handle that head pressure. It's a dependable pump at a economical price. http://www.americanaquariumproducts.com/PumpSpecifications.html#specifications Sounds like a great build.
  10. Another great example IMO is how Reefnjunkies AR set- up looks similar to his DIY. DIY is not required to get great color and great growth.
  11. One of the major things we see is how certain LEDs are using different colors to achieve a higher kelvin of lighting for corals. What we are seeing and from what others are telling us is the color seems off. This can easily happen with some combinations of emitters being used. There are tent of a weird purple or red...That turns people off. This also does not help the useful energy being delivered to the reef, which then results in slower growth, I think there's some very nice higher scale LED systems, which for sure make it worth investing in the tech. There is tech for LEDs, which is not light any other lighting systems. Very cool stuff. Next level stuff.
  12. It was a year Kim. I believe end of 2015. $150 to our store.
  13. There's a gift cert. we gave Andrew some time ago, which can also be raffled. Have no idea what happened to it and no one claimed it.
  14. Here's what the plant guys use. http://www.barrreport.com/forum/barr-report/co2-enrichment/11862-co2-ph-kh-table What I was meaning about the co2 in the atmosphere, is that we are just now reaching the levels which is best for photosynthesis. Not that it's increasing photosynthesis, but just the optimum level. If we are able to tell the amount of co2 roughly by KH, maybe we should follow the KH trends of the ocean water.
  15. Cant you have a decent understanding of Co2 based on Alkalinity? I think there some charts out there. I prefer not to use Co2, so for that reason, I have never really considered it. As for Co2 for global warming. I recently heard, that while they may be increasing, the levels are actually now just becoming high enough, which is preferable for the vegetation here on Earth. Before there was a lacking to what is actually required for proper photosynthesis. Kinda interesting.
  16. I use the Ista for my planted tanks. Dont use a CA reactor for my reef. I do Balling. The 1 litter lasts me 2-3 months depending on dosing. That's maxed out for whats considered safe for the fishies.
  17. If your still doing some research, here are a couple reviews you might find helpful... http://www.aquariumopinions.com/2013/12/23/review-of-ocean-revive-evergrow-led-lights-for-reef-aquariums/ http://www.aquarium-digest.com/tag/ocean-revive/#ocean_revive
  18. I use AquaRay, which have a modular design. 11 different fixtures for different designs. The AR have small tiles, strips, and large tiles. All can be mounted super low, so there is no light in the eyes. Might even fit in that hood. No fans, water proof. It does help by mounting lower, esp if you are sitting, cause the light will shine into your eyes. One of the reasons I dont like having to mount high and also risk light spilling over the aquarium. Plus the AR have a 5 year warranty, which are the longest on the market. Here's a link. http://www.americanaquariumproducts.com/LEDLights.html
  19. Trigger334


    Here's Clyde (3 yr) and the little one is Tyke (2 yr). Sorry for the blurry picture. Here's William (12 yr)
  20. T2s are a good option for that size tank. White and Blue. Ships from OR. http://www.americanaquariumproducts.com/Aquariumbulb.html
  21. Flamboyant Cuttlefish are cool. A good video of them going around the internet right now. Thanks for sharing.
  22. I have new SunSun if you dont find what your looking for.
  23. I typically use less flow, but I know some people use higher flow set-ups to keep detritus up and out by the skimmer. I would recommend making some circular flow from having the pumps on opposite sides of the tank, one in the back, and one in the front. Pointed to the front and back of the glass. Here are suggested turn overs: Suggested COMBINED (filters and circulation devices) Aquarium Turnover Rates (per hour): 8-10 times for an average fish only aquarium 10-12 times for an average FOWLR or very basic reef tank (FOWLR = Fish only with live rock) 14-20 times for an Advanced Reef Tank With Acropora and Montipora coral, which are often at the top of the reef, these can require as high as 40-50 times per hour combined circulation! DO NOT make the incorrect assumption that the wave activity at the top of the reef means corals, anemones, etc that live in more protected areas of the reef need the same flow rates as Acropora and Montipora corals. Here's a video on different flows from different power heads. I would also recommend the SunSun line for a more economical quality pump.
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