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Everything posted by softy

  1. This is a very good resource. Along with every other suggestion listed.... I had limited exposure to salt water tanks prior to making it a part of my daily life. I read... and read... and read some more. Most of it was published articles, books and magazines from large 'trusted' publishers. But I also found that reading through forums and getting all the different diverse methods was extremely helpful. Using a combination of facts and other peoples trial and error... i was able to feel comfortable with caring for a tank and it's inhabitants. Now... more than anything i am enjoying building our new system( a lot of flippin work!!!) and seeing the changes in the corals since they have been in my system. There are SOOOOOO many variables that impact your corals and livestock... it's really a constant learning experience. and honestly i feel like reef keeping is much like the IT business..... always changing.... constant innovations..... nobody knows everything (although some think they do!!).... The most important thing... to me.... enjoy it! and don't be discouraged by failure! Those are just learning experiences!!
  2. I wanted to do something different.... So here it is. You get to vote for the prize you all are competing for. I am not only using the money you put in for the frags for prizes... YOU get to decide what 1st place prize you are competing for. Please pick the first place prize of your choice. Please only the active members of this grow out vote. Additional votes will not be counted. More details to come after poll.
  3. softy

    Jebao Gyre

    as there should be!!! I know that it's nice that you can buy the cheap knock off.... but the cost of RnD, testing, marketing and everything that goes into bringing a product to market..... that is all on the innovator! Then some other company side steps our patent laws and throws up the same product.... with none of the work to design it. I hope Jebao gets sued. and i hope they have to pay a large amount of money. That will at least give something back to the company that developed the product.
  4. ok spammers...... post some pics already!
  5. You know it was only a matter of time before i picked this subject matter!!! The rules are pretty simple! • One photo entry per person • Pic has to be taken by YOU • Must be in by the posted deadline • Must follow subject guidelines for the month Winners will be determined based on voting poll results after submission deadline. This months subject: Zoanthids/Palythoas Show us your favorite flowers!! Deadline: June 30th 2016 @ 10pm PST Voting will start on July 1st and run for 2 weeks. Winner is determined by PNWMAS members and visitors via voting poll. and for this month.... I will be giving a frag of my choice to the winner!!!! GL
  6. http://www.pnwmas.org/forum/130-june-pics-sekura-growout/
  7. Nice!!! however.... i expect a light saber to be in the pic!!!! I know you have one around the house!!!!
  8. 4 more days to submit entries!!!
  9. First pic forum is now open!!! a few mins early. Make your first pic threads in this forum: http://www.pnwmas.org/forum/130-june-pics-sekura-growout/ Each month I will create a new forum for pics. This will make clean and simple for me to see whom has posted and to go through pics. The Forum will be locked at midnight June 5th. Best of luck to everyone!!
  10. Ok so here is my initial post 200 total volume 125 pounds live rock Orphek Helix 300 (DC) ATI sunpower 12. Bulbs 7 blue +,2 actinic , 1purple + 1 coral +, 1 aquablue special (run 8 hours) DIY LED stunner strip CREE Royal Blues, blues and UV (run 12 hours) GEOreefs CA reactor JEbao DCT15000 return pump 4 MP40 quiet drive conversions FUll Apex with PM2/breakout box, WXM etc TEMP 78.1 SG 1.025 Alk 8.3 Mag 1425 Cal 470 NO3 .25 PO4 .02 Feed LRS SPIRULINA brine MYsis Nori Dose MECorals Amin acids every other day 10 mil
  11. Hello Everyone!! The grow out photo thread will be opened up for posting at midnight. Everyone will create a new topic with their monthly pictures in it. I will post an example in the thread for everyone to follow. I am doing it this way to allow for an organized method for us to view everyones entries while allowing for comments and additional posts. I find that having to read through a massive thread in order to ensure that everyone is posting pics to be cumbersome. This will also keep things easy to read once the comments come in. On June 6th, i will be posting a poll. This poll will be for your prize.... yes... i said a poll for your prize. I have selected several items that will be the first place prize for this event. All of the participants of this grow out will have the opportunity to vote for what you are all competing for. I thought i would do things a bit different than what i have seen out there, and I hope that everyone really enjoys this grow out. GL!!
  12. There are a few of you stragglers left.... if you haven't already arranged to get your frag, please do! In 7 days The pic thread opens up.
  13. Amazing pics!! or for Jorge imágenes sorprendentes
  14. I got Captain America's for ya...
  15. http://www.pnwmas.org/subscriptions/
  16. no sorry needed.... i did not call that out prior. I will totally move your post.
  17. I will be posting the photo thread process soon. Please do not post in here!! You will each be creating your own threads. This main thread will be for questions and comments. I want to keep this clean and organized. This grow out is in it's own category, so we can create new threads with pics, questions, comments. Pic posting will start 5 days prior to June 1st.
  18. Tough choice!! Some beautiful pics and fish! Great job Flashy!!!
  19. I have tools if you decide you want to tackle this one yourself.
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