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Everything posted by badxgillen

  1. Welcome aboard Jnesbitt, this is a great place for information and chatting with like minds,I am sure we can find you some kalkwasser too.So what do you have planned for that new 80 gallon you got cycling?
  2. If they are stationary and the little guy comes out of a calcerous tube then they are most likely Vermatid snails,some consider them good as they eat particulants that get in the water column but others see them as pests as when the mucus comes in contact with an adjacent coral they can become irritated. I have also punctured my hand on these on multiple occasions and it is a painful hollow tube that can detach into your skin.
  3. I can get you several of those zoas we would just need to cross paths again. Are you going to the meeting?
  4. Garret"TPA" took my payment a few meetings back,I am sure he would confirm this if need be.
  5. Is it one of those bring some thing to eat BBQs,kinda potluck like? I have a sweet tooth and might want to bring some thing.
  6. Nice! Looking forward to another earthbound biild,Sump pic please?
  7. Sorry to hear this as well, a good Admin is hard to find. Glad you are still sticking around,whatever happened.
  8. Super nice anemone and I have been wanting that lepto for a long time,was it local?Forest Fire has always been a winner in my book and that is a nice sized frag you got there.Are you keeping it high in the tank? I think I bleached mine out form too much light.
  9. Sasquatch! Where is that Squatch Patch? I have a few to add to your line up.
  10. Count me in my friend,Garret does some fine BBQ ReefTogethers. And I would love to do some trading if any one is up for that kind of thing.
  11. Looking forward to some nice camera work of your corals,so much color and diversity it is envy inspiring.I am looking into snagging a new camera and lens but am fishing here for some experience and info before making the high dollar commitment. I am staying tuned...Again.
  12. Another thank you to those who resurrected the site from the graveyard, So happy to have competent people on board the PNWMAS. In this "Dream" did you see yourself re posting an update, maybe giving us acan deprived folks something to drool over?
  13. when it somes to coral there are so many people on the forums with good stock at sweet prices there really isnt a reason to shop online.i mean keep the money local right?
  14. Rods is like a treat in my tanks.A buffet opposed to the usual pellets and frozen foods for the fish and corals.
  15. i have enough to make several frags of the tyree blue eye girls.
  16. i have some blue eyed girls ready and i could be persuaded to cut you some nightmares.
  17. i have rics and zoas up for grabs.hmmm alot of zoas though...i will have to make a list sometime but off the top[ of my head green bay packers,mohawks,blue eyed girls,mary janes,pink panthers,alein eyes,nuclear greens,fire and ices,blue tubbs,bambams,keds reds,nightmares...and a whole lot of other stuff
  18. yeah mine fragged up nicely just like a goniapora.just cut it into chunks,dip,then place back into the same tank area and done.does this mean there will be frags of this soon?
  19. As usual i am off the beaten path but i have a few you may not have that i would part with for trade or $$.
  20. i would love to trade with you.i have muchn i could give up now and could also help you restock when you move.could even give back frags of the corals you want to keep in the long run.where in oregon are you located?
  21. i presume that this is just cash and no trade for the zoas?
  22. looks so good about full up on corals yeah?
  23. i wish i knew you were making the trip and i could have throw some goodies your way
  24. isnt this in effect a sponge filter that would create some nitrates as stated earlier? Is there something in the biological process that removes the nitrates developed by the filter in the filter? Only time will tell.Looks like its a trip to the dollar store
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