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Everything posted by cellowithgills

  1. Title says it all. I've got a guy in NYC that wants to have some fish shipped from Vancouver to him but the current owner doesn't know how. Just wondering if anyone up there can.
  2. I've got a 55 gallon, I don't necessarily want to go all metal halide, I'm just looking to add a 70w or 150w to add to the 94w of florescent lighting I have now.
  3. What's the difference between that fixture and say a halogen floodlight?
  4. What's the "safest" cheap metal halide? I'd really like to get a 150w or 175w but I really can't spend $200.
  5. Am I missing something here or is this a good deal? Just wanted to ask someone who knows what these things need to work. http://www.reefshops.com/70w-150w-de-metal-halide-lamp-e-ballast10-14-20k-bulb.html
  6. I think those are mini maxi anemone's
  7. If you ever find yourself in Eugene, I'd take that toadstool in a snap. But I can't really get up there.
  8. I've got an orange skunk clown in a 55 with a small coral beauty, some sort of goby, and a banji cardinal. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to add another skunk clown.
  9. I went to his place after the meeting. We ended up getting hammer coral, green star polyps, Tonga live rock, some snails, and a tub of live sand. After I saw some snail coming out of the sand so I went digging and pulled out 20 more and 2 frags with zoas on them!
  10. So I guess your wife won?(laugh)
  11. Would you want to frag the frogspawn? I'm looking for a polyp.
  12. How long do the meetings normally last? An hour or two?
  13. I'm not a teacher but I work in the Aquatics Lab (wet lab) at Lane Community College. Would I count for donation for teachers? I could use clean-up crew (Trying to get a tank with "all" phylum's), and frags of zoas and softies. I may also be able to get some frags of Finger Leather if anyone is interested.
  14. Man, I want some of the toadstool frags. Coming down to eugene anytime soon?
  15. I'll be sure to get better pictures when I can get a hold of my girlfriend's Nikon. I'll probably bring some to Aqua Serene, or The Nautilus for trade and they can positively id it for me.
  16. I've heard that you need to run carbon when you do that, is this true?
  17. I'm going to be doing work on the tank that these are in, any body know a good way to frag a colt? The colony has grown, fallen over, grown, fallen over, ect. and it is now about 8' long.
  18. So it's basically a junk coral for beginners? Also, how much do red/brown/green (between 1"-5") mushrooms go for?
  19. Do you know how much would a 10+" tall colony sell for?
  20. http://www.oscarfishlover.com/social-network/photos/photo?userid=4040&albumid=339#photoid=1700 This coral is completely covering almost all rock surface in a 280(?) tank at LCC. I was just wondering if someone could ID it.
  21. Ok, I just figured that I'm using all "used" material from my other tank so the cycle should be pretty quick right?
  22. I added some more live rock a couple days ago. I've been testing everyday and today here's the results Ammonia: 0 Nitrite:0 Nitrate: 10+ pH: 8.2 Nitrite was 5+ 3 days ago. 5 day cycle, to good to be true?
  23. I set my tank up with salt, sand, and a little bit of dead rock yesterday, and here are the results: Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite:5+ppm (a beautiful shade of purple) Nitrate:80+ppm pH: 8.2 I bought my sand from Tat2d when he took down his tank, and kept it in a 10 gallon with an old filter, so I'm hoping that will make the cycle go by faster. I 'm also going to be adding a piece of live rock from my other tank.
  24. Who can I give my email to? I tried JManrow but it says he can't get a pm.
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