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Everything posted by cellowithgills

  1. I'll be sure to get better pictures when I can get a hold of my girlfriend's Nikon. I'll probably bring some to Aqua Serene, or The Nautilus for trade and they can positively id it for me.
  2. I've heard that you need to run carbon when you do that, is this true?
  3. I'm going to be doing work on the tank that these are in, any body know a good way to frag a colt? The colony has grown, fallen over, grown, fallen over, ect. and it is now about 8' long.
  4. So it's basically a junk coral for beginners? Also, how much do red/brown/green (between 1"-5") mushrooms go for?
  5. Do you know how much would a 10+" tall colony sell for?
  6. http://www.oscarfishlover.com/social-network/photos/photo?userid=4040&albumid=339#photoid=1700 This coral is completely covering almost all rock surface in a 280(?) tank at LCC. I was just wondering if someone could ID it.
  7. Ok, I just figured that I'm using all "used" material from my other tank so the cycle should be pretty quick right?
  8. I added some more live rock a couple days ago. I've been testing everyday and today here's the results Ammonia: 0 Nitrite:0 Nitrate: 10+ pH: 8.2 Nitrite was 5+ 3 days ago. 5 day cycle, to good to be true?
  9. I set my tank up with salt, sand, and a little bit of dead rock yesterday, and here are the results: Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite:5+ppm (a beautiful shade of purple) Nitrate:80+ppm pH: 8.2 I bought my sand from Tat2d when he took down his tank, and kept it in a 10 gallon with an old filter, so I'm hoping that will make the cycle go by faster. I 'm also going to be adding a piece of live rock from my other tank.
  10. Who can I give my email to? I tried JManrow but it says he can't get a pm.
  11. I've been looking for t5s but every time I see one for a good price on craigslist someone else gets there first.
  12. I could get a spectrum on the 200w, I meant 28,000 lumen. So should I be looking for a 10k-20k bulb?
  13. I have a 55 gallon tank that I'm trying to upgrade to from my 29 gallon, but we're having problems getting lights. We've got some Zoa's, a small monti frag, and a leather coral. I want the big tank to be mostly FOWLR but I don't want to get rid of anything. So I was wondering what would happen if I put the lights I'm using on my 29 (2 15w t8s) on one end of the tank and put everything high up under them until we get the other lights? I'd be running a 2 48" t8's (they're 6,500k I think) with them. I know it sounds cheap, but I'm buying piece by piece on paydays.
  14. I went to Jerry today and saw that they have MH bulbs and fixtures. 75w, 175w, and 200w were about $25. I asked them what the spectrum was and the 200w said 28k lumen and the 75w said 10,500 lumen. Would these work on a a tank? It seemed to good to be true so I thought I'd ask.
  15. UO has anywhere between 3 and 10 at times. My dad took care of them for part of his degree, so he let me help him feed them and stuff. The small ones seemed to be really sensitive to stress and any time something changed in the room, some of them would kick the bucket. They were really cool though.
  16. The number is is the same as Liquid Sunshine (541-344-3474). They've got all of the stuff from LS plus things like a 240 (I think) cube show tank. Aaron also took that huge 10 or 12 foot reef tank from LS and turned it into a FW with sump. It's got like 100+ community fish, cichlids, and a FW sting ray. I think it's a pretty sweet store, but I look at it from a FW point of view. He takes care of the fish better than other places that shall remain unnamed. **cough**pet time**cough**
  17. I didn't add anything until the nitrates were down in the teen's. But the RBTA and the clown died from a pH drop, the Condy got sucked into the intake on my filter, and the wrasse jump tank. Working on getting some pictures
  18. Wow, I just looked at all of these pictures. Absolutely amazing! I wish i could get some!!!
  19. Hi, I bought a 20 gallon saltwater aquarium about 10 months ago from someone off craigslist.com. I didn't know what I was getting into! (I keep freshwater mostly) When we got the tank it had no fish and a nitrate level of 160 ppm, at least that's as high as the range goes on my test kit(nutty). Anyways, after about a billion water changes I got a, Round Goby, Ocellaris Clown, 6-lined Wrasse, and a rosy bubble tip anemone. After things like pH drops, bad advice, and evil filters(flame), I lost the anemone (as well as a condylactics), the clown, and the wrasse (it jumped ship), and upgraded to a 29 gallon BioCube, and gained a Toadstool Leather coral, Montipora Capricornis, Banggai Cardinal, Red Banned Snapping Shrimp, and a Skunk Clown. So, now I'm working on setting up a 55 gallon. I just wanted to get on a SW forum so I can get some advice.
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