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Everything posted by h2odvl

  1. car was found and recovered today only lost some cds and a tomtom, well and some change (they didn't take the pennies)
  2. Didn't look like a dendro to me but I don't see them very much so I guess it could have been. If miles goes we will find out
  3. Nice that take better pics than my camera! Love the Bubbles avatar!
  4. My girlfriends car was stolen 11/18/2010 from the Parkside Apartments, in Eugene. It is a 1995 Honda Accord 4 door, Light blueish. Has California plates 6BTB158 She really needs her car back and it is very stressful that someone stole it from her. If you see it parked somewhere or anything please call the police and report it or let me know by email. This is what the car looks like, it also has a big dent in the right front bumper. I so appreciate any help! If it leads to finding her car, I will give you a reward. Thank You. The 1st picture is actually her car, the 2nd is the same make/model/color.
  5. Thanks, just got and algae blenny and some more snails Hope they can work some magic
  6. I saw one for sale at aqua serene in eugene for $30 it was about 1-2" in size. Seems like a sweet deal, from what I can see they're not easy to get. Thought I'd put it up here if someone was looking for one. It looks like this (didn't have a camera)
  7. I'd like them but how close to Eugene do you live?
  8. Looking for a small tang like a Tomini or Kole, have a 35 gallon but will upgrade to 75 fairly soon. I need my algae under control (enforcer). I'm thinking 1-2". anyone have one they want to sell?
  9. Anymore xmen? I need a few as the ones I was growing out have melted.
  10. I've heard good thinks about reef dynamics (formally euro-reef). Seems to be priced way below what you are looking to spend Link $1600 for a skimmer "Ideally suited for "Mixed Reef" aquarium systems of 1000 gallons with a medium/average bio-load"
  11. I said it was a quick edited version.
  12. It looks to be six feet and glass. I wish I had the room! SMOKING DEAL!
  13. It's on craigslist too. With I had the space
  14. Would you take 25 for the rest? Let me know if you get anymore of the first one and third to last
  15. Sweet very nice corals and pictures! What are the last zoas colony and frags? Are the frags for sale? I really like the reddish brown with the blue and white mouth
  16. I would move it down till the edge of the light is at the top of the tank. Here is a pic of what i mean
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