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Everything posted by CrazyInside

  1. https://portland.craigslist.org/clc/for/d/sandy-innovative-marine-25-lagoon/7017601790.html Pretty good price considering it comes with the stand and upgraded pump plus spin streams. Maybe talk him down to 200-225 for it and get a used AI prime or kessil.
  2. Is this something I should be worried about or try and move him? He footed himself right on top of some gsp.
  3. I did the opposite of what every forum says and just scrubbed them off, popping them and all. Then did a water change and they never came back, might of just been lucky but popping them didn’t spread them or have them come back.
  4. Interesting read thank you. Would be cool to see pictures of the tanks corresponding with the colors in the chart. Definitely interested to see group D and C’s tanks
  5. Because every tank, flow, nutrients, lighting, camera used are different for everyone so the same algae can look ten different ways in ten different tanks. Looks like cyno, do a blackout for 2-3 days and should clear up.
  6. Edited the first post to just the items that are left. Home all weekend!
  7. Apex has been sold. Make some offers let’s clear the rest out! Also looking for a light that would work with a planted tank standard 20g
  8. Adding a Bulk Reef supply Plus 75gph to the list. Probably needs some new filters. $100 RoDI
  9. Career and life changes so here we go, everything is broken down, cleaned and in perfect working condition. I'm in Gresham, Oregon. Will be home today, and all weekend. 971-301-1365 First up is a Reefer 170, white cabinet, Painted the sump white on all sides except the front so it's clean, bright, and easy to see into the sump. Changed out the filter sock for a cup that you can put whatever you want in it, much nicer. Has a light in the cabinet that when you open the door it turns on. Has a custom made acrylic top with feeding port. Will come with Tank, Stand, Sump, all plumbing, top, Ehhem compact 3000 return pump, and a finnex 300w Titanium heater, and a magnetic algae scrapper. $700 - SOLD Red Sea RSK 300 Skimmer, works amazing, has veiwing window and new cleaner. $200 - SOLD MP10QD 2015 Manf. Date, Still works fine. $125 Bulk Reef Supply GFO/Carbon Deluxe reactor, no pump but comes with almost full Carbon and half of GFO container. Just needs a maxijet or something to run it. $30 Pair of Maxspect Gyre XF230's with the controller and extra blades. $225 Clear Water 100 Algae Scrubber $275 Kessil Tuna Blue A80 with goosneck - $75
  10. Looks like you are not getting enough light. When polyp’s extend like that they are trying to get closer to the light.
  11. Ever since I left my heater on and cooked my tank I’ve been having an algae issues I just can’t solve. Really never had an algae issue before, or at least one some skimming and gfo can’t fix. It’s not mats of algae or hair algae, just individual string looking stuff all over. I’ll post some pictures, anyone know what kind this is and what’s the best way to get rid of it, or is it just a waiting period from all the die off I had when I cooked everything? 654DAE73-960A-4549-86E8-BEA06577DBC3.MOV
  12. Used Fritz for a few years, lately the batches have been super inconsistent to the point I ended up switching to Red Sea coral Pro
  13. Thank you everyone this forum is pretty amazing! Little update, I just finished pulling out most of the dead I could get off the rocks, did a big water change and all the fish/inverts are looking pretty good so that's a plus. I'm heading to Vegas in the morning until next Thursday so hopefully when I get back everything will have settled down and see what all pulled through coral wise. As of last night I still had 2 sps alive, out of around 30ish... so better than nothing I suppose. Ordered a controller for my heater for a backup to keep this from happening again, also when I get back i'll be going through my Apex to look for other redundancies I'm missing. And if anyone is interested, I have a lot of this rare white zombie sps for trade, may not get much growth... but it won't die on you either 😄
  14. I’m using a finnex titanium heater without a thermostat on it. Just using the apex to control it. Hind sight, bad idea
  15. Yeah I was just starting to like the way it looked too. Crazy a years worth of good growth can be wiped in a few hours time. I’ve seen a couple people have it setup like that. Guess I need to join that group It’s within a degree, tested with multiple thermometers. Here’s what total destruction looks like in chart form
  16. Had a 4th of July BBQ at the house yesterday, so before everyone got here I did a quick water change/cleaning on the tank then went on with the day. As I was heading to bed last night I looked at the tank and everything looked terrible. Went and grabbed my phone from the bedroom to see if I had any alerts... temp at 93 degrees. My apex runs my heater and shuts it off at 79.5 degrees, but after my water change when i turned everything on I set it to "On" instead of "auto"😰. Wouldn't have been a big deal if I had my phone on me last night as I would have revived the alerts when the tank hit 80. Pretty much a total loss, every stick besides two are gone, and they might not even make it, every LPS melted including my giant octo and torch, not a single acan made it, most of the zoas and ricordias look okayish. And fish look fine but stressed. I've never crashed a tank before, let alone by me rushing and not paying attention... pretty upsetting had some nice sticks... that are now just sticks 😑
  17. “Trust everything you’re local fish store tells you, especially petco” 😂 Obviously a few exceptions to this
  18. It’s this one. https://current-usa.com/product/orbit-marine-led-2-0-lighting-system-18-24/
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