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Everything posted by Mandinga

  1. Does any local shop carry the Geissman Actinics?
  2. what? tired of introducing yourself at the monthly meetings as "R-3"? (laugh) I hear you. I should have went with something more simple...I like Jordan's name...Ron Popeil. At first, I thought we had the actual Ronco dude on here. Undrtkr is the true undertaker...from pro wrestling...seriously. I met him and he tried to put me in a choke hold because talked him down on a light fixture. Never do that again.
  3. Roger, you were making me nervous with the blender. The "you're gonna get soaked with liquid food" section was full of people. In my mind, I could see that spinach catching, creating a small vortex, and then sending that gooey mess all over the faces of the PNWMA members who were staring deeply into the eye of the topless blender. Overall, very entertaining and educational. Well done. Hearing you talk about the kids is so awesome. The zoa tank was looking quite nice. Tight lines...chironimo! p.s. - now i know why Undertaker is called Undertaker...WOW, it didnt hit me til i got home, but the resemblance is a little scary. Is that really him?
  4. does anyone know when the shipment is going out?
  5. Pled, count me in. I can be there in a reasonable time and I'm sure the zoa would be fine.
  6. i qualified yesterday and apparently was added to the OR list, so please add me guys! I will come to portland to get the frag...no preference as to where it ships. Only thing i see as being an issue right now is this; who is paying for shipping? one person, and then we reimburse that person? I wonder if this is for real or not...
  7. Didn't Clay win the GOC for Zoas? That might be why some sps doesnt do so well...
  8. i looked at the local HD and they didnt have the right size. I found one online for $30... Wanareef, you keep saying "i would help...if only you were closer" I think it's time for you to buy a house near Newberg.
  9. If it starts to die, get it out...you dont want that gunk in your tank...if you can avoid it. Xenia is extremely salinity sensitive. Oftentimes they just need a couple weeks to adjust to temp and salinity. The nitrates shouldnt hurt it, nor should the Ca. There is only so much you can do to avoid this from happening...you wouldn't want to adjust your whole tank salinity in order to make the xenia happy...hopefully it will adjust in time. Xenia is one of those corals that works too well for some people and then not at all for other people with seemingly the same parameters.(scratch)
  10. it depends on what you are looking for and HOW MUCH YOU WANNA SPEND. I would hit Soutas and Rose City...then head west and stop at Westside. try to mix in Upscales...best show tanks...just a bit on the spendy side.
  11. Let me be the first to tell you that your daughter is thinking the right way! It's ALL about color...movement is overrated... Most beginners are fascinated by xenia and other soft corals that move...as time goes on, this stuff fades and soon you become fascinated with colorful acans, chalices, sps and so on. There are some cool things that have motion and are colorful...just keep looking around for things you like and research it before you buy it. Tim knows his stuff, so he will point you in the right direction.
  12. Anyone have a hole saw, 2 5/8" in diameter that they could sell me, or let me borrow? I need to drill one hole in acrylic! or maybe a cheap one online? every store i go to doesn't have one big enough, or they hae 3" saws...
  13. my ponape grows fast. It is under intense lighting and high/alternating flow. like others have said, keep your other params in check...ALK, CA, MAG. low/no trates...the standard stuff... I have noticed that frags do quite well when the tip is intact. When it is a frag in the middle of the branch, brown slime has been a problem.
  14. Thanks Garrett! See you next time. Great deals and great corals... Garrett, this really colored up under the LED. I know some people like to eat shrooms for their psychedelic effect...could you imagine what planet this would send them to?
  15. Hopefully this will turn out to be a good thing for her. Maybe she will look back on this and say "man, I am so thankful that this changed me..." As others have said, this could have ended up much worse. I'm not gonna play the "what if" card...the what if's pertaining to drunken driving are obvious, we hear about them everyday. Blaming the system/boyfriend doesn't help her. Stewing over what he did is only going to create a chasm in your life, his and ...moving on and growing from this means forgiving him for being an idiot and HELPING him not be an idiot. I promise you that quarantining yourself from him will not mend what has been broken. Good LUCK!
  16. You may want to take your water to a place like Upscales or another ship that is close. could be one of your test kits is off...or possibly your hydrometer.
  17. thats why this site rocks -- grassi
  18. incredible pricing...don't miss their spa tubing prices...and bulkheads! link savko
  19. Mandinga

    need help fragging

    interesting video from Eric B... He mounts his frags horizontally...hmmm...
  20. Mandinga

    need help fragging

    If you snap the coral by hand or with pliers/bone cutters you will stress the coral MUCH less...most sps is easily snapped. Pay attention to the curves of your sps you are fragging. There are weak and strong spots. joints are easily snapped...snapping a branch in half half be trickier. If you are cutting, try to keep the heat at a minimum...a thin/sharp blade works great.
  21. updated again...thanks fred. chalice, bali slimer and birdsnest are still available...
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