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Everything posted by Mandinga

  1. how do we vote on our favorite?
  2. My kids are obsessed with the vampire squid. I thought I was going to read you had one in your tanks! dang. thanks for the link.
  3. kewl chalice...I would place near the bottom of the tank, medium flow, with plenty of distance between it and any other corals...that one will have some nice tentacles. You will also be able to target feed at night when the tentacles come out, but it really isn't necessary.
  4. all good stuff. You may also want to have some fresh carbon ready to go, just in case the unthinkable happens. When I have people watch my tank, I have them check two things; temp(2-3 times per day) and water level. Also, you have all of us on here to help, in case of an unforseen problem... while you are squandering your hard earned cash on those blackjack tables(laugh). i always told mandalay's management that they could pay me in frags or fish. 2-things to check out in vegas if you havent already...Mandalay Bay aquarium and hotel - they have multiple huge aquariums on site, though they are not brave or skilled enough to keep coral... and The forum shops mall. There is a super cool aquarium that houses hundreds of species of marine fish at the end of the mall. They make you walk past all those designer stores to get there, but it's worth it.
  5. vegas vacations + reef tanks are two things that are tough to co-mingle...good luck with that one. perry's chalices are usually real nice.
  6. I know it's a long shot, but does anyone have an extra Lumen Bright DE laying around that they would sell, or trade for?
  7. MAN, I guess it's time to upgrade to the Lumen Bright 3's and a 14k Phoenix.
  8. That would be sweet...i smell corals FS.
  9. ok, so i found phoenix 14k DE's, but I have yet to find a SE bulb... Are you guys running DE's?
  10. Mandinga

    ID Help

    1st one looks like a miyagi tort...slow growers
  11. Everything I have heard about the Phoenix 14k is really good...if anyone has a source for some good priced ones, please pass along.
  12. nice work dude, i dont mind buying timeshare in your tank!
  13. have a LFS check your phosphates and nitrates...even if your test kits are reading zero, it could be an issue. How much are you feeding your fishies? Raising kH and Mg levels are also highly recommended.
  14. Got any updates? I think they've been here for 13 or 14 days now. Thanks for doing this Brad.
  15. These were taken from the top down, using a new thingamajig I had made by TAP plastics. I dig closeups from the top. (violin)
  16. tank detailz 48 gal cube, hqi 250w 20k halide, t5 actinics, refugium, octopus skimmer, genx pc20 main pump, 2 koralia 4s. i dose 2part evry other day...very basic setup.
  17. thanks guyz. Lighting is 250watt 20k with T5 actinics. I get more growth with 14k, but I'm not keen on the color.
  18. Welcome aboard Ron. I'm not sure how good N. Texas is for reefing, but I can tell you that this area is OUTSTANDING! This club is great, and the Local stores are really nice. There are so many choices, have fun!
  19. Already posted these elsewhere, but for what it's worth, here are mine:
  20. I can understand why they have these laws in FL...but to this point no one has showed a shred of evidence that these laws exist in OR. The laws in FL are meant to protect the coastal waters where these species are collected. You don't see many people collecting warmwater livestock anywhere near the coast of Oregon. We have salmon and steelhead...Does anyone need salmon/steelhead licenses in FL?l ol If someone does have something, now is the time to post it...saying things like "i spoke with someone and they told me the law exists..." and "THEY are looking on Craigslist..." doesnt quite give us anything to work with. If you spoke with them, ask them where you can view the OR statute that shows the law...and IF they are looking on Craigslist, why has no one been busted? smoke and mirrors.
  21. updated tank inhabitants bali mari acro a. efflo part of he garden a. tenuis
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