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Everything posted by Mandinga

  1. Mandinga

    montipora ID page

    With all the different names, this helps with some positive identification. link
  2. list updated, some prices reduced.
  3. snail eggs...if you haven't noticed them before, get ready to be inundated... turbo snails will eat them, but you will have to scrape em because turbos can't keep up.
  4. Open to trade, plz keep pm'ing offers delivery to Portland/Salem possible.
  5. little stuff gone, but I'm gonna keep the undata and let it get a little bigger. It's finally growing and Im ready to sell it. what is wrong with me.
  6. how about the picture of the newest addition....grassi jr.
  7. oh man! If I had the room, you know I'd help. If worse come to worse, I have a 400Watt pendant you could use...
  8. I kept waiting for the male scoly to jump on top. WTH? The crab was like..."dude, you just spawned on my shell" Nice vid
  9. I need one for a Mag12...probably not the same size.
  10. Loving that light Steve. That will be plenty...and the T5's will give you awesome color spread. Are you going with 10k MH? Looks like you have a few good spots for some air flow up top... Who did the metal work for you? I am trying to work up something similar for a cube tank hanging light...I gotta stop by soon and see this baby in person.
  11. Have you ever seen the coral beauty nip at the zoas? I would imagine that you haven't, but they are famous for nip nip nipping at all kinds of corals.
  12. Whats the deal on that lightbox? looks kewl
  13. Steve, I have 4 of your home brew corals at the ready. Let me know when you need em back. I would be happy to take a few more adoptions...if need be. NEW TANK LOOKS SICK! If you need help, holler. I have a couple tanks that can hold corals if need be.
  14. 8 bucks is 8 bucks, thanks for trying Brad!
  15. well, every situation must be different. I have 7-8 species of snails in my tanks including astrea and nassarius...haven't seen one die during or after treatment. All my pods die, but the refugium stays full of bristleworms. Like most reef encounters, they are different from tank to tank.
  16. fyi interceptor will not kill snails or bristleworms.
  17. Mandinga

    iPhone 4

    the iphones have zero style
  18. Any feedback on the frag rack? I used a broken Koralia's magnets...I figured I needed something to remember that nasty little powerhead, it gave me quite a SHOCK. The next two upgrades planned are: New Reflectors and MP40ES or MP20
  19. steve, the BN are all doing great. I especially like the fuzzy purplish one. That one seems to be already growing quite a bit. YA...PLENTY of room for new corals Soon I will be clearing out some space...
  20. part of the garden cyphast under t5 actinics/mh baby t. max...not quite open...has reddish highlights ORA Birds of Paradise- grew from tiny 1/4" frag
  21. Xenia and colt corals...you are set!
  22. maybe you should get some pics up b4 intercepting...because redbugs wont touch monti's.
  23. hardy stuff(non sps) is a great idea for the nano.
  24. nuke em! aiptasia X will work fine...wack it! TURN OFF ALL POWERHEADS for 30 minutes and fry that sucker. AIPtasia hunting is my hobby.
  25. For those of you who requested a full tank shot...here you go. Mixed reef...SPS, LPS and a zoa garden. 48 gal cube, 250watt MH 14k, w/T5 Actinic. Refugium but, since my tank is like most tanks...things just look better CLOSEUP, macro style. full tank from front; woody's aaaacccrooooo(nutty) psick cyphas yummy sps westside lunar's aussie mille purp digita/tenuis/asstd sps scooter/rhodactis
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