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Everything posted by Isaac

  1. The Emerald mummy eye and the original mummy eye are not Tyree corals. The Bubble gum monster and Oregon mummy eye are.
  2. I apologize as well for sending this thread off topic. Good luck with your tank Micheal.
  3. Quite the scathing retort. You really put me in my place...... Thank you for sharing your opinion. Now please leave mine alone and I will back down. It is starting to feel personal and I don't even know who you are. I am clearly in the wrong according to some. I did not intend to start an arguement but I felt I should speak my mind. This is no longer a place I can do that and get respect so I'm out. Please do not comment on my words any further and I will refrain from any new postings.
  4. My comment had nothing to do with members supporting local stores. That is another topic completely. I believe my opinion is more commonly shared than you might think. It seems that the dozen or so people that speak the loudest on here prevent other from expressing their opinion for fear of being bashed. I expressed my opinion as a long time user of this site and not a vendor. Myself and others do not like the direction the site has gone in recent months. And at this point I don't even feel welcome here to express my opinion. I don't really care if you buy your aquarium stuff locally or not. If the LFS relied soley on customers that frequent this site, they would all be out of business. There are at least 2 local stores that no longer sponsor this site because of the direction it has gone. More may follow suit if they can find the balls. The club should be less concerned with signing up new sponsors and put some effort into keeping some good ones around.
  5. I get discouraged every time I log on to this site. I really wish that the current BOD would start looking out for the best interest of the local hobby scene. We need to get John Manrow back to start cleaning this mess up.
  6. I would be happy to host the meeting if nothing else pops up.
  7. The mimic octopus is doing awesome. It gets a steady diet of red leg hermits and has become quite tame. They only go into mimic mode when they feel threatened. Which it never does in my care. It has a very cool zebra striping that it exhibits all the time. There are around 15 different species of octopus that fall into the mimic category. I can't say how some of the others do in captivity, however I can assure you that with the appropriate care this particular octopus will do well and make an awesome pet. I would not sell an octopus of any variety without first screening the customer to make sure they have the right set up to house it and they are ready for the responsibility. I talk most people out of octo-adoption. The mimic octopus is very rare in the hobby and quite special. It will likely remain in my care rather than being sold. That way many people can see it and enjoy it here.
  8. As for cheap base rock locally, the last time I was at Rosecity they had lots of rock starting at $1.50/lb. I'm sure they would be happy to match the $2/lb. online price though.
  9. Buying live rock is a lot like buying coral. Some people collect expensive and colorful corals. Other enjoy just having some ocean life in their aquarium. Brown or not. Peoples taste in rock is very subjective. Some like to carefully pick each piece in order to get the best shape and a good amount of life to make a beautiful and well aquascaped aquarium. In this case, carefully selecting each piece of rock from your favorite reef shop is the best way to go. Others don't care as much about finding just the right piece. Or if it has any life on it and would rather just save a buck so the online purchase works out great. To each their own.....
  10. t-5 is a down grade. I vote find a replacement ice cap. Or rewire the vho's to run on work horse ballasts.
  11. The shrimp I have are called white spot anemone shrimp. They are over 1". The sexy shrimp are less than 1/2". These are much cooler.
  12. Isaac

    Work hourse 7

    Each work horse 7 will power 2 - 48" VHO bulbs.
  13. Isaac

    Zoa Id

    If you prod the mantis with your finger it will probably come out for a quick photo op.
  14. Isaac

    Zoa Id

    Blue whales are very reef safe. How's are the new mantis and wrasse doing? You should take some photos. Both are very colorful.
  15. Isaac

    Zoa Id

    Your pic is the first reference. Pretty catchy name though.... Right? Wait until you hear some of my other coral name ideas. Most of them I can't mention on here. They are way too cutting edge........... And also potentially offensive.DOH!
  16. Those are without a doubt the rare blue corn nuts. Not to be confused with blue hornets.
  17. Isaac

    Zoa Id

    Those are definitely Manatee nipples............Definitely.......
  18. Those photos turned out great! ........Nice Fish! Out of state, garage shop, GOC, Tyree Group Buy, purchase??
  19. For some reason a thread I just posted doesn't show up in "New Posts". Also my banner doesn't come up in rotation below the header.
  20. There is a Facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=53660498571 What we need is John Manrow back.
  21. Isaac

    ID Help

    It looks like Oregon Tort man. I have seen the polyp color morph to purple or brown depending on lighting and parameters. The true test will be if it morphs to look like your other Oregon Tort in your system.
  22. The way I have been able to keep the octopus contained is by keeping the water level low enough that it can't reach the top. It will reach out of the water to feel around but will not totally expose it's body to the air.
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