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Everything posted by moto826

  1. I need to get some bright zoas so I can play
  2. Probley lights I have seen pink green and a black looking ones look in coralpeda and see the many colors of them
  3. Were they wild and I'm glad to hear that as that's the ones I wanted lol
  4. time for me to go there i need the "Mystery" paly
  5. I have a 2 or 3 hp one ill get it out and get you a pic runs good
  6. I like all the pes but won't be there sucks to be me and the rainbow pally too let me know if you have any left and ill let you come by and pick what you like when you come north again I think I might have a few you like
  7. i dont even listen to myself lol
  8. What kind you got like your av
  9. Give me one ill put it under leds and give you one to
  10. I wish I could figure out how to do that
  11. Yay every one is getting rainbows and puppys lol
  12. was jest saying every one has to start small
  13. Eric, let's have a reality check for a second here. Just because you paid the 50 dollar sponsor fee and call your "company" CA2OR corals, I am willing to bet the majority of the club still views you as a member and not a sponsor. It's fun to play sponsor but really it is no more than a step up from Farmville. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with this I am just saying when I refer to a sponsor I am referring to the bigger stores. what about fred meyer they started out in a push kart and look at them now (scratch)
  14. i can grab yours to what exit you live by ?
  15. ya i would get the pic out so you dont get in trouble but any time to pick up works for me
  16. I have never noticed that but will keep a look out as I don't have one
  17. Yes you or we need to suport our local stores I jest go to places that try to save me money more than others
  18. Looks like I need to sell some zoas I want one bad but have no cash sucks to be me
  19. So when do we pick them up so I can plan a trip down
  20. payment sent im in whoo whoo its on finaly somthing im into thanks and you will know my email lol its the same as everywhere in the forums
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