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Everything posted by moto826

  1. * crunch * heater broke dead things every where so i said pluck it and posted my leds for a chiller and with in 30 minuts i got a almost new sea line 1/4 chiller and set the temp to 65 for the cycle tank looks like a bomb went off
  2. silicone don't stick well to acrylic
  3. that's a sweet clam and a sweet set up
  4. moto826

    Zoa id

    The last pic is aog and the first pic is devils armour
  5. I'm on my cell phone but will look and find you a link probley will be tomorow tho I have to be up at 4 am
  6. There is a indoor track in portland grassi
  7. If you got a frag ill take one price?
  8. Now its time to sell it on ebay lol
  9. Do you have extra frags of the first two I have every thing else see I don't have every zoa yet lol pm me if you do thanks
  10. I don't see why it matters any ways and I got a few frags from him and every thing was good he is always giving his stuff to share the love that I started and he even keeps his prices low so why all the bashing ? I'm lost please explane he seems like a good guy in my book
  11. I forgot about this is it to late for me to post up if so no wories
  12. Its hard to sell big frags when all his coral is mostley frags
  13. He got banned for talking smack about a vendor sexy corals for selling small frags and the cool thing about his sight is you can say what you want like lol
  14. I visit ncra reefersannoyomous ? Spelling its kraylens new sight he started when he was banned on r2r lol and I go to reeffrontiers psas but every one is on reeffrontiers
  15. put the number 1 piston on top dead center and redo the wires
  16. lowman is saved now someone needs to save ca2or
  17. Share the love O and pick me pick me lol
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