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Everything posted by moto826

  1. No mine were closed and if you put them in low light and low flow yours will make it too
  2. Told you put them low light and low flow mine are doing good now
  3. When was the last time you added any corals or rocks to the tank did you dip them ?
  4. Pics and how often you change your water I will need more info to help did you test your water ?
  5. What kind of zoas you want for the small cube tank ? Or cash ? Will you pm me as I don't rilly go past the home page lol
  6. I will trade some cool zoas for a few
  7. My vote was nude as my tank is topless and bare bottom
  8. If you use black sand and use a magnet cleaner the sand will stick to a magnet at least mine did.
  9. I can't wait to see your corals
  10. and thanks to ca2or it took off
  11. thats what our club do too thats what i tryed to do but it went into share the love
  12. why are you not the pres for this club ca2or as you bring more thing than any one else here from what i see
  13. moto826

    Oregon Mummy Eye

    i would love to come by and check out the shop next time i come down ill let you know and swing by as im all ways looking for cool stuff
  14. moto826

    Oregon Mummy Eye

    man i want one of them (drooler)
  15. i seen a ps3 here so i don't see why not also seen car speakers
  16. what kind of light you looking for ?
  17. i have a 45 cube and i change half a week
  18. to late wish i look here more as i would love to trade for salt
  19. when i had halides i used the xm 20k
  20. what kind of lights you looking for i have a Hamilton 250 pennant and a 400 watt pennant both less than 3 mounts on bulbs
  21. if they are local why would you need it as you would go and see what you were getting ?
  22. moto826

    Oregon Mummy Eye

    nice pics wish i had one lol one day i will need to dump some frags and find one
  23. I have lots of zoas what are you looking for
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