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Everything posted by moto826

  1. will some one grab mine if it is a do over please i will go to oregon in 2 weeks please
  2. keep the ice in a bag so you don't lower the salinity
  3. nice tank my display is a cube
  4. that sump will need to be drilled to make work
  5. i like clam chowder want me to hold on to it for you
  6. i want the favia but cant make it down there for 2 weeks sucks to be me
  7. sweet the cowgirls and i did not say any thing bad
  8. i got some lucky charms want me to pick out the marshmellow
  9. (laugh)but brown earth tones are the new cool thing to have(drooler)
  10. i would but my tank is empty (sad) but i need to come down for a meeting
  11. it happned to me also but in my mixing garbage can and i pumped 20 gallons in the tank and lost $5000 in zoas so i went cold water for a few weeks till i found out i could not buy stuff lol but run carbon i got new rocks because of the copper
  12. i think i finaly won one did i
  13. a guy i work with hit all the numbers but the power ball $10,000 from 1$
  14. could you use a needle and switch Zooxanthellae from one of the same but different color corals
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