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Everything posted by gradth

  1. If you getting a sandsifter, make sure its stable. That is why placing it before the sand is important. They dig and move sand all day. If your rock is not stable your gonna have some issues.
  2. Well I dipped him in formalin 3 for about 45 minutes as per directions, and then put him in qt with some cuparmine(its what I had handy), Was quite suprised to see him still swimming around when I got home tonight. My own fault, first fish I have bought in a few months and didnt do any qt process. Thanks for the imput, I will try the other options if things dont start looking better. Pretty sure it was brook. Im guessing if it was velvet it would have been a goner by now.
  3. I have a diamond goby and a lawnmower in my 180 and they get along great, used to have a midas as well and him and my LMB sat right next to each other. Also have a sailfin blenny and diamond in my other tank and they get along well.
  4. Great Rick, glad he is udjusting. hate to see him go, but at least hes finally in a tank sized well for him. great pics. Keep me updated on how hes doing. Triggers are great, a few are reef safe. I have a pair of blue throats in my 180 reef and they are wonderful.
  5. So I got a pair of skunks at Rose city a few days ago. One died quickly and the other seemed good. Now the other has a "film" all over him, its brooknella or velvet. So I pulled him out and giving him a dip in formalin. My question is do I keep treating with formalin or cupramine in a qt tank. Or neither and just see how it does. The bottle calls for about 40 minute dip, so that is what im doing.
  6. gradth

    Over flow gurgle

    http://home.everestkc.net/jrobertson57268/HGB/HGB_construction.html Some one here gave me this link. I made one, it improved it a bit, but I never got it tuned right.
  7. Fish gone to a happy home. Thanks Rick for taking him off my hands.
  8. Man David, sorry to hear that. Im guessing it was just a random fluke that it happened. Got me nervous about mine, not to mention everyone who bought one now. Did you take it back to Petco? I would for sure.
  9. Sure thing Rick, I might have some t-5 stuff for you as well. Need a MH pendant type light for my 40.
  10. The pump works really well, its just loud. One of these days when I have some extra cash I will replace it with something quiet.
  11. Not the pacific coast GenX models. I was misinformed into buying one from a LFS and it is the loudest thing in my house.
  12. Ahh, not likely sorry. But if your up this way let me know. I would like to get rid of him soon since a 20 long is not a great place for him. Thought about throwing him in my 180, but dont know if he would get along with my bluethroat triggers and tangs.
  13. 20-25 gallons probably. Not exactly sure, ill measure it up and post the dimenisons.
  14. So I think my FOWLR tank is gonna turn into a non aggressive reef tank. Not really big enough for FOWLR fish. Got to get rid of the niger trigger, already got rid of the puffer. Leaves me with a lone skunk clown, sailfin blenny and a diamond gobie. Pretty mild eh?
  15. SO my trigger is gonna be to big for the 40b and sadly I have to try and find him a new home. The picture was last year, but he is probably about 4-5 inches, starting to get nice little streamers on his tail. I have had him for about 2 years. He is not photogenic enough for my crap camera and he's pissed that I have him in a 20 long right now. $40 bucks or entertain trades.
  16. I have like 12 different monti/ frags of montis and I only know the name of maybe one. Ill have to try and get some decent pics and post them up and you all can name them for me. I swear half these names sound made up.
  17. I prefer photobucket.
  18. Id swap you for a remora aqua c skimmer im selling?
  19. I found my sand sifting starfish when I cleaned out my tank. No place for it. Need it gone. 10 bucks are trade for a frag of something, or maybe a heater.
  20. Sounds good Rick. Everything still for sale, make me an offer. Need to get rid of this stuff.
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