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Everything posted by steelhead77

  1. Yeah that greedy Apple. Maybe we can go back to the time where it cost .99 cents for a 45 rpm single that you had to buy at the local record store. I sure miss those days where I had to walk, in the rain, uphill both ways, to the record store and come home to try and play the Frigid Pink version of The House of the Rising Sun on my expensive mono record player, only to realize that the last little doo-hickey that you put in the big hole so it would fit on the little spindle was broke or lost. And if I wanted to go over to my friends house to listen to Sugar, Sugar and a bunch of other hits, I had to lug 5 pounds of vinyl down the street. That's MUCH better than dowloading a song for .99 cents in the comfort of my own home and be able to take my own personal radio station (Literally. Some ipods can hold 40,000 songs) with me anywhere I want to go. Yeah, that greedy Apple. I sure miss those good ol' days. Been a long time since I Rock and Roll.... Rock is Dead....Long Live Rock....
  2. Hey wait a minute! That tank was well past the warranty period. (innocent)
  3. My wife works at OSU and turned me on to this. It's pretty cool. It's a live webcam of the octopus's tank at the Hatfield Marine Science Center. There are certain days that they feed him. Check out the website to watch him live and for feeding times. http://hmsc.oregonstate.edu/visitor/octocam
  4. Great! That's all we need is to have more wingnut whacko cr** now broadcast to us in stereo. (nutty) .....Kidd Chris and Porkchop who have been replaced with The Glenn Beck Program and The Lars Larson Show.... Rock is dead....Long live rock!
  5. Kim, not to change the subject, but be careful with the vodka dosing with your clam. There have been reports that clams will die when dosed with vodka. And in fact I lost two clams within a couple days of each other after I started dosing vodka. Coincidence? Maybe. But I've done some other reading on it and it seems that I am not the only one to experience this.
  6. Hey Roger, I've got an older Fuji E550 point and shoot I'll let you have for a killer price. It's a pretty nice camera and takes some pretty good pics on Auto: I think even you can take some decent shots with this camera. (laugh) You're welcome to try it before you buy it if you'd like. I've got several memory cards and I think I still even have the box. LMK if you're interested.
  7. Wow Roger! That is fantastic news!!! I don't think I'm looking at retirement until I'm at least 70. It's great that you can do it while your still in your forties!
  8. I just bought the new Canon 60D. IMO this is a sweet camera. The articulated screen is a must for any kind of macro shots or if you put the camera in awkward positions. Plus it does 1080p video. The Canon T2i is very good as well and less money. It all comes down to how it feels in your hand
  9. Hey Garrett, How's that Solar Wrasse looking now? Did the spot clear up?
  10. Can you cover everything with a big plastic garbage bag while cutting? If so, you could duct tape it to the sides of your sumpa nd whatnot and this would keep the vast majority out of the system. Any little bit that got in would do no harm. You could also use a Coping saw with a fine tooth blade to cut it by hand. This will cut down on the mess.
  11. You could go either way. On my 180 I have an internal for my return and I have an external that pumps my chiller. Externals have the advantage of keeping all the heat that pumps generate out of the water. They also don't clutter up your sump and get crud growing all over them. Plus it's easier to "T" off of an external if you want to run other items from one pump. There's two reasons to go internal: Cabinet space and ease of use. Probably the main reason people go internal is because it's easier - just drop it in the water and hook up the return. You will need to drill your sump and install a bulkhead and valve to run external. A little more complicated, but worth it, IMO, to keep the heat out. It's really a matter of personal preference. If you have room in your cabinet and can get a good deal on an external and have no problem drilling your sump and plumb it, go that way. Otherwise stick to an internal.
  12. How can you be sure it's a fungus or parasite? And why are you shouting?
  13. It turns out that I was able to fix the Iwaki with a $7.00 bearing. I won't be needing the pump. Thanks anyway.
  14. Hey Garrett! I'd like dibs on the Solaris Fairy Wrasse please! Debbie and I will be in Salem tomorrow around 11:00, I'd like to stop by and pick it up if possible.
  15. Just today I replaced a rear bearing in my Iwaki external pump as it was starting to squeal. It took about a half hour (including drive time to buy the bearing) and cost $7.36. Bearings on the ends of armateurs are pretty easy to replace. If you have any kind of mechanical aptitude you should be able to take it apart and replace it yourself. If you lived a little closer, I'd come over and help you out.
  16. Well obviously something is going on in your tank. Indications would point to it not being ready to house fish like you're trying to put in it. A Powder Brown, Flame Hawk, Flame Angel and a Sailfin Tang plus 2 damsels and a wrasse is a LOT of fish for an 80 gallon - let alone a month old 80 gallon. Do you have a skimmer? How much live rock? Even tho, you done this before. something is different this time. As you would know, every tank is different so if you really want advise - slow down. Add one small-ish fish at a time, a week or two apart. Let the bacteria catch up to the bio-load between additions. Good Luck.
  17. Hey Mark, Is that the pump you got from me a year or so ago? If so I may need it back. The Iwaki that supplies my chiller just threw a bearing. My first choice is to fix the Iwaki, but if I can't, I'll get a hold of you. -Scott
  18. If Danik happens fall thru, I'd be interested.
  19. IMO you should bag the fish individually. If you put them in bucket with rock, there is a danger of the rock shifting and hurting the fish.
  20. I still zip thru this website like I'm on a T100 line. Back and forth, page to page, anytime day or night, no issues whatsoever. The pages load almost instantly. I have Comcast broadband, using a Comcast supplied modem and wireless router. Although I never do on my windoze work peecees, maybe you IE users could empty the history and cache files and see if this helps any.
  21. I don't know what you all are going on about....I have not had a single issue with the website. It seems to run just fine and dandy anytime of the day or night. Never slow, never misses a beat. Of course I'm running a new iMac with Safari so that could be the answer right there. I'm not too hip on the new vbulletin software and new look of the site however, but that's another thread.
  22. Sorry to say, sometimes fish just die. A few weeks ago my Solaris Wrasse that I'd had for over a year went into hiding and I found him floating 2 days later. He was completely healthy and normal the night before he went into hiding. It totally sucks, but sometimes it happens.
  23. Aluminum cannot be chromed. Aluminum is polished. Only ferrous metals can be chromed. Aluminum can be anodized (black, blue, red, clear etc.) but not chromed. Buy a tube of Simichrome, some cotton balls and go to town. In the end, I think you'll find it's easier to buy new ones.
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