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Everything posted by stylaster

  1. I tend to use photobucket to upload my pics to. Then i just copy the img link into the post, works great
  2. I was wondering what got you guys started in the marine hobby? My tale begins in 1994, after i graduated high school i had to have a kidney transplant. As it turns out the first one failed and i ended up staying at home for two years doing dialysis while waiting for a new kidney... so i had plenty of time to spare. I actually got started by a friend of mine from tacoma that was raising giant clams back in 1990. That kicked the whole thing off, so i setup a 60 gallon tank and it progressed from there. If you want to know about my 60 gallon and see some pics here is the link to it from reefs.org http://www.reefs.org/library/members/r_seine_061099.html The tank looked pretty good for one back in '94.... man im old lol Roy
  3. I still think it would be a great idea!
  4. Hope you had a wonderful Birthday!!!
  5. thats just a few minutes away from where i live too bad i dont need a tank
  6. i agree with spectre ,rtn, best you can do is frag off a good piece without any die off and glue it to a frag plug and hope it recovers, the snail being there is just incidental
  7. ya things sold within 2 hrs of posting... crazy
  8. All SPS corals sold. all that is left is the war coral
  9. that would be cool tank to try a wavemaker in like a tunze one just need to make your overflow slots a tad bigger
  10. ya it is that huge of a difference, halides are soo much nicer! The pc lighting is much more colorful with just the actinic on though, since the halide hood i run only has blue leds not true actinics
  11. Time to update with some pics again! First off is 24 gallon running PC lighting Now tank running 250w halide and new fish solarensis wrasse, ive had him for about 2 weeks and is doing great got him for a steal... 20.00!
  12. got some items for sale here goes blue acropora 25.00 green with purple tips acro 15.00 chalice (use to have green growth rim with peach colored eyes maybe you can color it back up??? 15.00 huge frag of hydnophora 3" 10.00 war coral favites 3.5" x 4" make me an offer Please note either you have to pickup in longview, or i could meet someplace in vancouver thanks Roy
  13. They found another giant clam species in the red sea called Tridacna costata Here is the article http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/7588857.stm
  14. oh i already have a piece just like that, didn't know what it was called though lol
  15. Very nice, where the little green fish chromis?
  16. wow i bet i built that hood LOL I use to work for Patrick a long time ago, helped him design and build his first halide / flor. fixtures
  17. i would be most interested in zones 1 and 2. Much closer for me, plus my family has a house in Illwaco to stay at
  18. very nice i like the white polyped devils hand leather
  19. thanks ill be sure to let you know when the fragging knife comes out
  20. Since clams are continuous filter feeders, I would setup a slow drip ie 1 drip about every 2-3 secs. I have in the past raised baby maxima clams (had 150 in a tank) They where all about 1" in size. Did a phyto drip every second. Ended up raising 90 or so up to 3-4" in size. Still not the best odds, but baby clams are very sensative. I had a lot of help back in the day from Harbor Aquatics and a gentleman in tacoma to get my first clam farm running.
  21. Im semi famous... woohoo no fortune though, but if you would like to donate to the poor reefer fund I got my rainbow montipora listed on zoaid site as their example coral for montipora danae species Here's the link CoralPedia.com! :: The definitive repository for named Corals!
  22. Looks nice gotta love those nanos We need to start a nano group and all get leather nano jackets hehe
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