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Everything posted by stylaster

  1. Welcome to the site, the guys above got you covered for your questions!
  2. I have several frags available, pm sent
  3. aaah ok it i remember that little tank now. The olive was good, gf was happy she went shopping. I ended up picking up a Coral Beauty for my tank, nice fish, but darn sucker hides behind the rocks when you try and watch him
  4. very cool ill have to come see it someday
  5. I love the two seperate rock mounds in the last photo. In my new tank im using the same idea, then have a rock arch connecting the two together
  6. Im looking for different color morphs of psammacora. I have orange and i have blue with a green growth rim, also a brown with neon green mouths Thanks guys Roy
  7. Thank you, the polyp size is about a nickel in diameter, They look pretty cool with the neat orange and green color
  8. if it is the reddish pink coral that is a enchinopora, if its growing on the back wall, looks like flower pedals that is neon green center with neon orange tip clove polyps that are growing up the back wall.
  9. its clean, but it does have black paint on it, so if i remove the paint it might work?
  10. ya i have been using 2-part on my 24 gallon tanks. Kalk is tricky, especially if your doser goes nuts and pumps in too much, up goes the PH. I currently use B-Ionic by ESV
  11. Hey guys i have a end table that has metal legs, and the weld joints have come loose, do you think if i used JB Weld that would hold it together well? Or should i find someone who can repair the welds? Thanks Roy
  12. the orange montipora is growing off the side of the tank, i glued on a 1x2" frag on there, and that's a years worth of growth! the black thing in the back center is a tunze nano stream pump
  13. haha i do have a 125 sitting here, but i gotta move first and get a house
  14. Got a new clam, 2 new montiporas and some new full tank shots
  15. Glad you like it Scott. You have to post a pic of it in your system Roy
  16. Welcome to the forums, you will have to tell us about all the great east coast activites
  17. anyone know of a good clam importer? I use to use harbor aquatics and clams direct, any ideas? Also has any tried the vietnam clams, by pics i have seen they look like wild collected. Thanks
  18. I dug up old photos and got them on my pc. These are pics of clams ive had through the years, some of the color patterns you dont see anymore. Clams where very sweet back in the day Roy
  19. i would go with echinopora also, especially with the small spikes all over the surface
  20. Last Bump, placing on Ebay on monday, anyone??? Make me an offer!
  21. Hey Guys I have had problems keeping a certain coral. It is Pavona Maldivensis either the orange or the green. I have tried low light and high light. They start out well and over 6 months time they slowly fade away. It is the only coral that i have kept that ive had issues with. Anyone have any tips how to keep them happy? Anyone have any frags available? I figure maybe i would try a captive raised frag instead of the wild colonies i usually see. Thanks Roy
  22. Bump, anyone??? Im accepting offers!!!
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