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Everything posted by SULLY

  1. I will buy all of your livestock. I will also send you a PM. Thanks, Jason
  2. Anyone that wants a price on one of these bad boys, let me know. I think I am going to do the six foot myself for the display tank at the shop. And there is not much difference in the price between the Starphire and normal. I won't publicly put the prices out here. But it is alot cheaper than you would think for the size of tank you are getting and also with the Starphire glass included. Jason
  3. I am not trying to brake any rules by posting this on this forum, I just want to make sure everyone gets a chance to see this if they don't ever look in other areas of the site. We are going to try to blow everything out the door this weekend. Everything goes including displays and so on. No reasonable offers will be refused. If the mods are upset with me putting this here, go ahead and delete. Sincerely, Jason
  4. SULLY


    If you would quit looking at porn while at work, maybe they wouldn't block ya(whistle) HAHAHA. How's it going brother? Sorry to hear about your crash. Believe me, i know how you feel. About 4 weeks ago, the chiller on the big system took a dump on me and when i came into the shop Tuesday morning, let's just say i probably stained my shorts. Not to mention the smell from the system was horrible. I pretty much lost everything in that system other than some softies. Come by the shop and i will hook you up with some stuff. Sincerely, Jason
  5. Thanks for the love everybody. I'm glad everyone had a good time. The chef out front on the grill was my bro Otis. That guy would grill all day long if he could. And even better yet, the food taste good too! I would also like to let you guys know a big part of the reason why the shop looks as good as it does is because of my friend Mark. That guy comes into the shop, unpaid by the way, and just flat out gets things done. He is great with the customers and the guy has ethics that go beyond a regular person. I will never be able to thank him enough and i look forward to the day that i can repay him. If you read this Mark, thank you again for everything you have done and continue to do. Sincerely, Jason P.S. Hey Mike, those are called a Borbonius Anthias.
  6. Hey Mbeef61. Careful what you say man. Everything you put on a computer is stored somewhere regardless of how unimportant you might think it may be. Little phrases like that can get your butt in some trouble. I understand your frustration. The site content has changed alot over the last year and that is why i don't get on here much anymore. You are right, it is like the Jerry Springer show for aquarist. I think there is alot of people that probably feel the same way and just don't bother to say anything. Just like there is the usual repeat offenders that seem to have nothing better to do then to start sh*t. It's no big surprise who they are and for some reason they just never go away. All i can say is speak your piece and let the rest roll off your shoulder. I know it is VERY difficult to listen to some of the crap that comes out of peoples mouth and to not respond to alot of the other sh*t that goes on, but it's not worth your time and energy to respond to it. I think that some people on here actually enjoy stirring the pot. Just let it go man.DOH! Sincerely, Jason
  7. Blacklabel7. My post was not a slam on you. I just get tired of people who start slamming on people publicly over what methods they decide to use. If you want to pick up dried dog turds in the yard and use them for calcium reactor media, go ahead. It is not my place to say that you are an idiot. But if you used dried dog turds for reactor media after people told you not and you tank was not working right, then you deserve an "I told you so". But in the meantime if you want to experiment with something, that's fine. I just get tired of people bashing on people for what methods they are trying out. If they want to slam on you after you have tried and failed after being told it wouldn't work, that is one thing. But until that happens, people just need to shut their pie hole and bite their tounge.
  8. [language filter]. I thought if someone was a board member on this that they were held to a little higher professionalism and common courtesy. I for one don't give a sh*t what either one of the guys in the pissing match thinks. But if this is going to be a friendly place for new people to the hobby to come visit and become a part of, we can't have this kinda crap going on especially from a board member. As far as the play sand, i think you have to be real ignorant to be that cheap to buy something that almost anyone who is educated out there will tell you is a bad idea instead of buying something that you know is proven. But with that also being said, that is only my personal opinion. I think it will be a fun "I told you so" when the tanks go haywire and turns to crap. But if people want to try it, then let them learn the hard way. It's no sweat off of anyone else. So now that we are done with that, let's keep the bullsh*t out of the post and if you guys, or gals, want to talk sh*t to each other, use the mailbox, that's what you have it for.(nono)
  9. I'll take the 48" T-5 fixture. I also sent a PM. Thanks, Jason
  10. Just out of curiousity, why is the store you purchased it from not taking care of you? I guess it would be one thing if you have had the thing for 2 years. But just 2 months i would assume that any respectable LFS would just swap it out for you.
  11. Ok guys, i just talked with this guy today and he is open to offers. Let me know if anyone is interested. I would like someone on this site to get this. This is an incredible deal. Thanks, Jason
  12. Hey Nyles. Where did you find them for $35.00 a piece? That is way cheaper than cost on them. Let me know if you don't mind. I will buy them from a different vendor if i can save that kind of money. Thanks, Jason
  13. Yeah, the hard tubes are nice and expensive decorations when the worm dies. Beautiful to look at, but not long lived in the aquarium. Jason
  14. SULLY


    You are goimg to make me cry. But i also want to thank you for the help you have given me with things at the store. Hopefully we can figure an easier way to get rid of thes little bastard bugs without having to pull a whole tank apart. Jason
  15. I would check the classifieds on here first or just throw out there that you are interested in buying a tank and see if someone has one that they might have thought about selling and just has not gotten around to listing it. I would definately do glass. And if you can't find something here, check out Craig's List. There always seems to be some smoking deals on there. Or if your heart is set on a smaller nano style tank, just check out the stores. And yes, you can keep sps in a nano with HQI lighting. Just keep in mind that the smaller you go, the less room you have for fluctuation in parameters. Just my .02. Sincerely, Jason
  16. Quit huffing the hot air. Duh. Jason
  17. It's the same stuff used on calcium reactors and alot of other misc. equipment. I have 3 different colors on 100ft. rolls at the store that i use and sell. Once you get past 1/4" , it gets a little pricey. Jason
  18. I just wanted to say thanks to Randy-S on here. My whole week on a personal level has not been good at all. Then to top it off, i came into the shop this morning to find water all over the floor. One of the collars for the true-union ball valves had broke or cracked or something and let water out. Anyways, Randy had stopped by around his lunch time i assume and dove right into helping me clean up this little lake i had on the showroom floor. I never asked for his help. I never tried to hint that his help would be appreciated. Nothing. He picked up the squigee and went at it on his own. So i just wanted everyone to know including Randy how much i appreciated his kindness.(clap) Sincerely, Jason
  19. I have tried these things in multiple set-ups and have had bad results. Just for the record though, i was using the #28 blocks and not the other brands. So before i bash the others, i just want people to know that. But on another note, like most other products, salts, light bulbs, and so on, alot of the products are manufactured in the same wherehouses and just get different stickers or stamps put on them and then get shipped off to the buyer. So you pay more for one item because it has the name brand recognition instead of the other brand which is the exact same product. Anyways, the blocks i used, #28, screwed up alot of the parameters and also gave me cyano everytime. And it was not just me. Other people that tried these had the same results and some worse than others. Just my .02, but be careful about what you choose. And keep in mind that if these blocks were that great and did everything they said they were suppose to do, more of them would be being used by people especially the LFS.
  20. I have seen a few of those rececntly myself. From what i can tell, they do not seem to bother anything. But who knows, it may wipe out an entire tank.
  21. You would have better luck taking something from your toilet and putting that into your tank! Those things are absolute garbage. If you don't listen to anything else i have said, at least listen to this.
  22. I have a customer that has a 2 month old Aqua Logic chiller that he would like to sell. It is the trim line series so it is nice and compact. It is a 1/4 horse drop-in style with a controller. My dealer cost on one of these is $815.00 plus freight. He would like to get $600.00 out of it. He ended up tearing down his tank for financial reasons and i am just trying to help him out. Let me know if you are interested in it and we can make some arrangements. And just for info, the unit looks brand new. Thank You, Jason
  23. SULLY


    I have them for the bio-cube tanks also. The stand for the bio-cube 29 gallon i think would work well. Jason
  24. This is Jason over at Coral Reef. Please call me and i will buy it from you now and come get it. Thanks, Jason 503-378-7333 , 503-932-3341
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