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Everything posted by siskiou

  1. You got an "F"! Knitting, crocheting, sewing, cross-stitch, embroidery, felting etc. All the good old stuff people used to do before computers and xboxes!
  2. New about $250 for the junior. A lot more for ACIII!
  3. I teach handwork at a Waldorf inspired charter school, grade 1-8.
  4. Apart from my day job (teaching) I have taken on two evenings of janitorial work to afford the 120G. I should be all paid off at the end of the year! But then, I already have a bunch more things I'd like on the list...
  5. Tell me about it! So, it's not just my 120G heating up the house more than the 40G I had before! We also had to turn the AC on yesterday, and even though it was going all night, the temp was still 71 in the house (it's a small unit!).
  6. I could answer yes, but nobody would no if I spend more time planning, or more time taking care of what's already there.
  7. I could use some help, too. My digi cam always focuses on the glass instead of what's behind it, when I try close-ups.
  8. Still looking at more gadgets to dig myself deeper into the hole! Anyone here using one, and if yes, what do you think of them? Can the jr be connected wirelessly to a computer? Do you need to get the one with the serial port for that? I might look around for a used one (jr) once they come out with their own line of dimmable moonlights. -Susanne
  9. Yes, I used to get notifications within minutes. Now it can take from several hours to not at all, though some notifications still appear quickly.
  10. Yet another gadget that I'm currently looking at (will the spending ever end??(scary) ). Anyone here using one? There is talk of it killing pods in addition to undesirables, but many people have experienced otherwise. It's said to be great at preventing ich outbrakes and algae problems. I'd love to get more opinions as to why or why not to use one and if yes, what wattage and what models people recommend. -Susanne
  11. Somebody on RC said they tried their MJ mods on it and it worked. They only left them on it for an hour though.
  12. Are you buying your RO water at a LFS? I did for years, and finally found out that their water was actually worse than the tap water here in Eugene, and they didn't even have an RO unit (they just ran their water through a carbon filter).
  13. Thanks! Great! If I (or my daughter) have to buy yet another item, my husband is going to flip out! Tomorrow, freshwater tank will get started. We have a diy CO2 set-up (bought on ebay), which is new territory.
  14. I just read on RC that someone ran their mj mods on the seio controller and it worked. They only tried it for an hour, though, because they didn't want to ruin the brand new controller. It'd be sweet if it worked longterm! Are there any other controllers out there that could be tried? Or any timers that can be set to turn the modded pump on and off at really short intervals?
  15. Oh, does bleach remove traces of copper?
  16. Is it okay to use a heater that has been run in a QT tank with copper in a freshwater tank (planted)?
  17. How do you have the gravity feed set up? Is the bucket higher than the sump and are you just using a uniseal and hose for it?
  18. Thanks! And then I will find out what happens when I turn the Tunze back on!
  19. Am currently reading about setting up a deep sand bed in a bucket for nitrate removal (instead of adding the SB to the sump), and am thinking of giving it a try. Would an old Fluval filter be a good idea to use (just fill with sand, taking all the filter compartments out)? Or is that not enough surface area)?
  20. That too! I'll have to remember that, once it's time for the sand.
  21. What would the best way to keep the sandstorm down be? Turn of all pumps and pour the sand through a pvc pipe?
  22. I wasn't quite sure what power 1 and 2 meant at first, but then it started making sense.
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