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Everything posted by WAVES

  1. I would like some help drawing a tank, could someone out there give me a hand and do some drawings in auto cad? Id need someone to come to the shop so i can do some sketches to get on the same page, then do up a drawing in cad. Anyone interested? If necissary I can offer some credit for livestock or something.
  2. i think they are certain death in a tank,,, if my memory serves correctly....
  3. where did the rock come from? Was it cured from an LFS or an established tank or mail ordered? If it was cured you should be able to add critters within days not weeks, mail order is another deal. Interesting topic though, its new to me.
  4. I can get Tek lights that are "ding and dent", ive got a 4 lamp 48" here Id sell for $150. It has a 2 inch blemish on one side that has been repaired. Its on the back so youd never see it anyway. It could be used without needing a canopy to mount retro stuff into. Just a thought.
  5. yes they are available, just bring me your credit card and Ill get you one
  6. I agree, thats why I find it interesting the club voted to disallow sponsors to participate considering an important "other side of things" feed back that could be provided. Reason I bring it up is not just me, but sounds like R2 also was interested in participating. Im not looking to change the vote that was already done, just commenting.
  7. I wish they would have put the menu looking thing on the end or something. Its such a distraction from the rest of the design of the unit. Does anyone know anybody that is running one of these? Maybe on RC or something? someone non biased I mean.
  8. IMO you get what you pay for in lighting. Ebay is like a lighting crap factory it seems these days. Maybe you should buy a canopy and do retro? then you have nice furniture and retro costs are much more reasonable. Ive got PC ballasts I cant hardly GIVE away, Ive had them at 50% off for 6 months and no one wants them.
  9. I wonder if the commercials are because he is doing well now in his new building or if its a "last ditch effort"? Rumor had it he was struggling with his new rent at his big place. I wish him the best either way, I caught his commercial too, looked pretty good for a LFS budget.
  10. you sure thats not a shed? Some of the scorpian family shed there skin.
  11. I have DT's oyster eggs as well as the normal stuff (cyclopeez, kent stuff, regular DT's etc)
  12. Radium on HQI 400w has my #1 vote. Sunlight did just release a 400w Eballast, no more icecrap. Id stick with the 250w HQI too between that and 400w E.
  13. I run ozone and think it helps, but its only really safe if you have a controller.
  14. The newest issue just came out! Drop by your LFS and pick one up. This issue features Hawkfishes. Sub features are: Nutrients, sweeper tentacles and the maldives
  15. Thanks Travis Ill try the novus, if I can just get the white to go away, it should be enough. Its in a bar and its a 340gal tank, so replacing it wont be an option (they wont spend that kind of coin again for a few scratches Im sure of it). Ill work on it a bit with just the novus and see how it comes out, they can then decide if they want to find a "professional".
  16. One of my service accounts has some scratches, not particularly deep, but long and very white. they are on the outside of the tank. Anyone know of a good acrylic polisher guy/gal? James at Envision would be great, except its not exactly his forte' he isnt interested in doing it. any recommendations would be great.
  17. McMenamins tank (designed by ReefCam) has the chiller plumbed into the closed loop. Seems to work well.
  18. If you see more please bring them to me!!! Ill give you store credit for them!
  19. Brandon maybe you are thinking of the white furniture and glass tank? That was Izzypops (shaun), you can see it at Waves now.
  20. Ken you got a tank? how come you decided not to set it up!? Oh wait, is this your old one?
  21. If the tank is Glass, it would be a death wish to move it with anything at all still in the tank. It would even be taxing on acrylic if you tried to move it with 400+ of sand (thats dry weight!). I wouldnt move either with sand in it. I dont think you would have to buy new sand, simply wash part of what you have.
  22. I would remove all the sand and rinse it with saltwater, if you can remove all the sulfer dioxide (or whatever it is) then you wont have as big of an issue, you will have an ammonia spike from all the buried dying critters though. I would just keep like 5 gallons of the sand and rinse the rest out really well in freshwater, unti it runs clean. Put that sand back in and reseed it with the live stuff...
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