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Everything posted by WAVES

  1. Can you slow that wavemaker down or is that the speed it has to be for your sized tank? Good lookin setup, I would check out using Radiums instead of XM, I think you'll find them to be better. They have a new price tag now for everyone (not just waves I mean) so its not quite as painful....
  2. Sexual coral propagation in the aquarium Bacteria Food Fights Micronesia lyretail anthias cnidarians that have been noted to spawn or reproduce in the aquarium leopard blenny Anthias in the reef aquarium
  3. They have been ordered. THey are being drop shipped from LA so he is expecting 3-4 days for delivery.
  4. Mike I think its time to put a digi cam on your christmas list Beautiful piece though,,
  5. Theron 2 Mike/mbeef 2 Dan/Drock 1 Susanne/siskiou 2 Miles/impur 2 John/J&JR 2 Jay/cheif 1 Jordan/Ron Popel 1 Nyles 6 Blaine/CCR 2 Jansen/palani 2 Bob, today is tomorrow? wassup dog! can you paypal or email your cc number so I can order tomorrow?
  6. Theron 2 Mike/mbeef 2 Dan/Drock 1 Susanne/siskiou 2 Miles/impur 2 John/J&JR 2 Jay/cheif 1 Jordan/Ron Popel 1 Nyles 6 Blaine/CCR 1 Jansen/palani 2
  7. Theron 2 Mike/mbeef 2 Dan/Drock 1 Susanne/siskiou 2 Miles/impur 2 John/J&JR 2 Jay/cheif 1 Jordan/Ron Popel 1 Nyles 6 Blaine/CCR 1 Did I miss anyone? Sunday when I close at 5 is the deadline. Bob, you gonna come visit me tomorrow?
  8. I bought my new 280gal tank here at the shop at www.plastic-mart.com Tons of choices. I hear typical pricing for new tanks is about $1 a gallon.
  9. Lets make the deadline Sunday at close (5:00 pm) 8/13. Ill order monday AM
  10. PAID: Theron 2 Mike/mbeef 2 Dan/Drock 1 Susanne/siskiou 2 Miles/impur 2 John/J&JR 2
  11. Bob do some research on the Horned Blenny, I think that may be it. I had one (whichever eats majano) but sold it. I forget what it was.... Maybe do an RC search for Horned blenny
  12. I for one have never seen a hermit with a nassarious snail on its back, but thats what these boards are all about, Getting everyones input and making a decision for yourself.
  13. Folks I would prefer Credit card for those of you undecided. The paypal fees are almost double my credit card merchant.
  14. Waves contact information: 503-968-3200 Tues-Fri 12-7 Sat/Sun 12-5 You can leave a card on the VM if youd like to call outside business hours. Please leave the number, exp, 3 digit code from back, numbers in you address and zip. Thanks
  15. There is a blenny that eats majano. Ill see if I can find the species.
  16. $16.50 each then please, to cover fees with the CC and Paypal. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR SCREEN NAME IN PAYPAL PAYMENTS.
  17. nope. had one die in my nano,,, I thought it had lots of food since there was still some hair algae left, realized it was all near the anemone, I dont think it would go near it.
  18. IMO nassarious are not likly to be eatten by hermits,,, they are too dang fast, out only typically at night (unless food is around) and hide in the sand the rest of the time. When and how would a hermit catch them? I also believe hermits are the best at keeping the rock clean (with the exception of Turbos) and snails are best at keeping the glass and sand clean. Hence I think Hermits and Nassarius are the perfect match. Brandon, NOTHING can touch a seahare for hair algae irradication,,,
  19. Paypal address is Joel AT Wavesreef.com I think Impur is working on shipping charges?
  20. I guess Ill take the bull,, I dont know what the total with shipping came out to, so can someone please find out. I will simply take the money, keep track of who paid and purchase the units. Then divide up the units to a few people to help distribute south etc. Paypal, Credit card via PM, email, or phone. (please provide 3 digits from back, exp, and address) Or bring by cash.
  21. I save it, but I always use the same syringe with the same reagent. I test 2-3 times a day so I want to save it, the reagent is always what runs out first too,,, Although like Spayne said, I dont mix reagents with new test kits, I only save the left overs after doing a test.
  22. I must have missed that post... Im happy to take care of the funds as well, I can take credit card too so that might be easier than dealing with paypal. Have them shipped to waves and peeps can take a load to the BBQ and down south to Eugene folk. Sound good?
  23. Where are theses going to be shipped? I will buy them solo if they are being shipped to Eugene, unless someone is bring them up this way at some point. saving $2-3 per unit is not worth driving to Eugene.
  24. maybe we need to do a north buy and a south buy? (or have him split the shipment) that way we dont have to travel 2 hours for these things. No way Im getting down to Eugene to pick them up. Others wont be able to make it to portland. Either they will have to make it to some meetings, or we should split up the shipment. Thoughts?
  25. http://www.cheaplights.com/catalog/01_info.php?sec=132
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