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Everything posted by WAVES

  1. Shawn check with Shawn/Izzypop, Im pretty sure he uses aquatronica. I dont think he visits here much anymore though, so you'll probably have to email him.
  2. Its amazing so many people like crosshatch triggers yet I sit on mine for months and months. Dippin, I hate to say it but I think that is the case for alot of angelfish. Angelfish more than any other seem to randomly kick the bucket without any cause or apperant issue. My potters angels do amazing, but they skip the wholesalers etc so that probably helps. I think thats where Bob got his?
  3. get out your counter sinking drill and go to town.
  4. i sold a DC8 to a customer and he has had nothing but troubles with it. Only 3 outlets work correctly the rest turn on and off at random. Its probably a fluke, but thought I would mention it.
  5. how are you spending $700 on a closed loop? I can understand like $400ish, but I dont know how you could spend that much...
  6. MIke where you one of those sign holder guys?? Anyone feel like scraping algae?? I work about 60-70 hours a week 7 days a week to support my habbit
  7. well the bags travel on there back flat, when I opened them I poured out the top portion so it should have been a fairly good representation of what is in the bag. Good point though, Ill keep checking as I mix up large batches (like 80% of the bag at a time). Only other thought is settling prior to bagging, since they were from the same lot. I really think its a fluke, but I havent spoken to TAAM yet.
  8. when I get to the shop tomorrow Ill look at where I got mine. I ordered about 500 and if I remember right I paid about $100 shipped.
  9. I think Ozone is a lot better option. you can easily control it with the use of carbon and an ORP controller. It not only makes your skimmer more effective, it kills parasites/bacteria/algae etc, it also makes your water much clearer, thus you get more benefit from your lighting. The key is to keep it all in the skimmer, using carbon on both the water output, and the air output from the skimmer. UV also tends to add a fair amount of heat to a system. I think both have there benefits, I prefer ozone because it has many more benefits than just nuking bad critters.
  10. In the next month or two I will be adding 24 square feet of fragness
  11. If you can,, bring the premixed salt you just made,,, just set some aside now.
  12. Ken bring me a sample,,, I dont believe it
  13. Dippin,, depends on what you have for lights, im talking under overdriven 400w halides or at least 400w. In my frag tank with 1000w i dont think there is a spot of coralline anywhere.
  14. as stated in my PM Piero, if you are "concerned" about my selling habbits please come by and test me. I dont know what you look like, what you sound like or anything. Come be the village idiot and see what kind of answers you get from me. Im sick or accusations you have no basis on assuming. The proof is in the pudding, come get a spoon full.
  15. I would recommend Perennator silicone from Custom Aquatic. Its this german stuff that works amazing.
  16. I have one too Dennis. Its a home made jobbie and has worked for every single person who has borrowed it yet. Rent is in trade for a fish you catch.
  17. no cable (sad) someone want to put it on a VHS or DVD? Ill happily pay for the media.
  18. greg you should invest in an additonal float valve. If your using a mechanical one now, invest in a spectrapure style top off that can run in conjunction with the mechanical one, or vice versa. I really trust the spectrapure style (it uses air pressure so its hard to "clog it") but in conjuction with a mechanical float switch, its pretty dang safe.
  19. sounds like they need about 700 Tunze streams Sounds like a bizzar natural occurance, sounds pretty devistating.
  20. i want them for SPS systems. IMO Zoas and SPS dont mix well. the zoas have a tendancy to over-run SPS. I prefer to keep my stony systems free of zoas. These work great to do that
  21. Have you tried them yet Ryan? Ive been tempted to buy a few and give them a shot but just havnt done it. Lets hear your full review!
  22. Ill pay for you to send them to me if you have a bunch of them.
  23. http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2002-05/sh/feature/index.php
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