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Send me your parasites, please


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Hi all,

I'm working on expanding my database for my eDNA test, which I'm currently using to detect common fish parasites like Cryptocaryon or Uronema in water samples. I'd like to expand to include common coral parasites. 

If you encounter any of the following parasites, and are able to collect a sample, could you please send them to me? 

  • Acropora-eating flatworms
  • Montipora-eating nudibranchs
  • Red bugs
  • Euphyllia-eating flatworms
  • Anything else I'm forgetting?

I'm also interested in expanding my database on bacteria associated with Brown Jelly Disease, so if you encounter any BJD, I would love a sample of that too!


All samples can be preserved using the strongest proof alcohol you have on hand (151 proof is ideal but really, even standard vodka or whiskey will do). Pickle the parasite in a small amount of booze, store it in the freezer, and send me a message -- I will send you a prepaid shipping envelope (and if you are interested, a free microbiome sampling kit to analyze your tank)


Edited by EMeyer
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13 minutes ago, obrien.david.j said:
  • Red bugs

@SuncrestReef, I see your name in lights here.

I definitely have some.  Now to just figure out how to capture them.  They're too small to see with the naked eye, and they really cling to the corals, so I guess I could try using a syringe to draw up some water right at the coral surface and just hope some get captured.

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Hi all,

I'm working on expanding my database for my eDNA test, which I'm currently using to detect common fish parasites like Cryptocaryon or Uronema in water samples. I'd like to expand to include common coral parasites. 

If you encounter any of the following parasites, and are able to collect a sample, could you please send them to me? 

  • Acropora-eating flatworms
  • Montipora-eating nudibranchs
  • Red bugs
  • Euphyllia-eating flatworms
  • Anything else I'm forgetting?
I'm also interested in expanding my database on bacteria associated with Brown Jelly Disease, so if you encounter any BJD, I would love a sample of that too!




All contributors will be kept confidential.




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Ha, I hadnt thought about that. Sure, I can keep any information about what parasites a person may have in their tank confidential. 

My purposes don't require even knowing where the parasite came from, just what it is. To be clear, the goal here isnt building a database of what's in various peoples tanks (like with the microbiome). The goal is more specific identification. Currently, when I analyze an eDNA sample from an aquarium, I can tell it has corals, fish, snails, shrimp, etc. because I find their DNA in the water.

I also find parasite DNA in the water. For stuff like Cryptocaryon (already in the database) I can get a clear identification. For other parasites (e.g. montipora eating nudibranch), if I detected their DNA it would show up as a close match to some kind of Mollusk because that exact species is not in the database. By getting known parasite sequences in the database, I'll be able to identify these things when they show up in water samples. 

So everyone can feel free to send me parasites and say you got them from Petco or something :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bumping this as a reminder and for a few additions to the list. I am also looking for common aquarium pests and *known* varieties of nuisance algae. (e.g. Bryopsis)

Rather than come up with a long comprehensive list, if its something that you want to keep out of your tank, and you have a specimen of it, I want to sequence its DNA

(I already have plenty of specimens of vermetid snails and bristleworms. Funny enough I have no aiptasia currently, but I can probably get some locally). 

Brown jelly disease.... this is still high on my list. I've got a bunch of samples from one tank but would love to get samples from a different tank. 

Coral parasites of any kind... Acro eating flatworms, Euphyllia eating flatworms, red bugs, black bugs...

(RTN/STN are not on my list, since these appear to be bacterial and we already have a great database for that)



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1 hour ago, EMeyer said:

Bumping this as a reminder and for a few additions to the list. I am also looking for common aquarium pests and *known* varieties of nuisance algae. (e.g. Bryopsis)

Rather than come up with a long comprehensive list, if its something that you want to keep out of your tank, and you have a specimen of it, I want to sequence its DNA

(I already have plenty of specimens of vermetid snails and bristleworms. Funny enough I have no aiptasia currently, but I can probably get some locally). 

Brown jelly disease.... this is still high on my list. I've got a bunch of samples from one tank but would love to get samples from a different tank. 

Coral parasites of any kind... Acro eating flatworms, Euphyllia eating flatworms, red bugs, black bugs...

(RTN/STN are not on my list, since these appear to be bacterial and we already have a great database for that)



I have aptasia if you need it!  I mean... asking for a friend 😂

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