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February 2019 Frag Swap at PDXMonkeyboys


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Thanks for having us/me over. Very cool to see your display tank. The jaguar cichlid was fun to watch. Pizza and beer were great, interesting conversations were had, and I walked away with some wonderful frags from your “basesump” (basement turned into a sump). I think we all learned a bit there. 

Not sure if I was inspired by your Jaguar cichlid/kraken, but realizing I had an hour to spare before closing and it was only a mile out of my way, stopped by All Things Aquariums in wilsonville. Found a great looking leapard wrasse that needed to come home with me. Very pretty fish and fun to watch swim. Apparently, they burrow. This one decided the watchman goby pistol shrimp lair would be a good place to take slumber. Took him 3 seconds at night time to swim in and scurry out all the sand and rock and bury himself in with them before they could object. Several loud pistol shrimp clicks happened, but they all emerged alive today. He kind of reminds me of the attitude of your jaguar fish in that it is fearless. Goes after other things. Doesn’t attack, but certainly makes sure that everyone in his block knows he’s not to be trifled with. 

Not sure if it’s too early to start, but I’ve got ideas for next months frag swap. I’ve got a small frag of Australia red lava chalice that has a nice growth ring around it finally and should be of a more tradable size by next month. I have some blue cactus coral pavona (few frags), and an assortment of mushrooms (not nearly as rare as yours). Mushrooms aren’t very big. I’d have brought them with me yesterday but didn’t find them until I got home last night and had to reorganize the reefscape. 

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This was an awesome meeting for sure! Brian's aquariums and home were stellar and he made an excellent host. I will finish up with the pictures I took  at the event after I get out of work later today. For now I would like to say a big thank you to PDXmonkeyboy and his wife for letting us into their home, the clubs officers and BOD who make it all happen, people who donated to the TFT program and frag tank, and to the PNWMAS crew as a whole. 

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