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High End DIY Peristaltic - Masterflex Alternative?


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9 hours ago, pdxmonkeyboy said:

looks sweet! When you are done you can put it next to your boxes of salt and 5 gallons of kalk. lol



Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk





Noooooo!  This baby is going live.  I sure prefer peristaltic on the Calcium Reactor!


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12 minutes ago, albertareef said:

Looking forward to seeing this in action!  Might even convert me to a peristaltic for my CA reactor if it can be done at a reasonable price 😄

Everything about this project I really like!  They claim it can be built for around 100 bucks, we shall see...  That is a steal though compared to a new masterflex.  Is it as good as masterflex?  Maybe not quite, but so much better than most other DIY reef peristaltic pumps out there.  It's in a class of it's own.


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  • TheClark changed the title to High End DIY Peristaltic - Masterflex Alternative?

It's not hard to imagine building a dual peristaltic automatic water changer with this platform.  Granted they are not on the same shaft, but being stepper motors they might as well be.  Gotta try that too...

I can see allot of things with the electronics that would be nice to do differently.  Use a nano instead of uno, use oled instead of LCD, simplify wiring with a nano shield etc...


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The code builds!  The code runs!

Good sign, just had to grab a few well documented libraries. 

However, still missing key hardware.  I have no encoder, and the wrong stepper driver, but was able to simulate it by blinking the LED and hardcoding the motor pulse.

Good progress for one evening.

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1 hour ago, pdxmonkeyboy said:

couldn't you put them on the same shaft? I know some of those dual pumps just stack heads... but the heads are EXPENSIVE plus the flow rate has to be pretty massive.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

You sure could, just get a stepper with a longer shaft or a coupling.   it is intriguing thinking about all the possibilities!

Another interesting idea would be a flow meter on it, so it can shut off if the peristaltic tubing breaks, maybe beep or something (APEX could also monitor and alert, but this is more standalone)....


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Update while waiting on parts.

I have been running for a couple of days.  Stepper motor gets pretty hot at 2.0 amps / 12v.

Did some googling, sounds like it is perfectly normal.  Also, apparently they have a 10 year rated life at 8 hours per day.  So I should expect at least a few years out of it running 24x7 at less than full speed.

In the pic you can see it is about 127FDFD78C52-8BE8-4EC5-8FAA-D52EA5A246B5.JPG



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